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Education and qualifications (2)

SUNY Downstate Medical Center: Brooklyn, New York, US

2022-08 to present | MD/PhD candidate
Source: Self-asserted source
Madhavi Jere

Vassar College: Poughkeepsie, NY, US

2016-08-21 to 2020-05 | B.A. in Neuroscience and Behavior, Biochemistry
Source: Self-asserted source
Madhavi Jere

Works (3)

Systematic validation of variants of unknown significance in APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2

Neurobiology of Disease
2020-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Simon Hsu; Anna A. Pimenova; Kimberly Hayes; Juan A. Villa; Matthew J. Rosene; Madhavi Jere; Alison M. Goate; Celeste M. Karch
Source: check_circle

A lateral hypothalamus to basal forebrain neurocircuit promotes feeding by suppressing responses to anxiogenic environmental cues

Science Advances
2019-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Ryan M. Cassidy; Yungang Lu; Madhavi Jere; Jin-Bin Tian; Yuanzhong Xu; Leandra R. Mangieri; Blessing Felix-Okoroji; Jennifer Selever; Yong Xu; Benjamin R. Arenkiel et al.
Source: check_circle

VEGF‐A165b to the rescue: vascular integrity and pain sensitization

The Journal of Physiology
2018-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Madhavi Jere; Ryan M. Cassidy
Source: check_circle