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Full Professor in Urban and Regional Planning at ‘Rome Tre’ University of Rome.
PhD in Town and Country Planning and M.S. Degree in Investigation and Restoration of Monuments.
Member of the teaching staff of Ph.D. programme “Landscapes of the contemporary City. Policies, Techniques and visual Studies”.
Senior researcher or coordinator in national and international (MED, COST ACTION, Marie Curie, Erasmus +) research programmes.
Visiting Professor at: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (2009); Northeastern University of Boston (2012); San Diego State University (2013; 2017); Université de Liège (2014); Université de Paris “La Sorbonne” (2016).
Palazzo is editor of Campagne urbane, Roma, Gangemi, 2004, the author of Città storiche. Interventi per il riuso, Milano, Edizioni del Sole 24 ore, 2000, and more than 150 contributions dealing with regional development, landscape planning, urban governance, heritage, among which: A.L. Palazzo & O. Aristone, Peri-Urban Matters. Changing Olive Growing Patterns in Central Italy, “Sustainability”, 2017, 9(4), 638; doi: 10.3390/su9040638; A.L. Palazzo & A. Pugliano, The burden of history: living heritage and everyday life in Rome, in E. Auclair, G. Fairclough (eds), Theory and Practice in Heritage and Sustainability, Taylor and Francis, 2015, pp. 54-69; A.L. Palazzo, The Boston Greenway: Form and Process Issues at Stake, “Journal of Urban Design”, Vol. 19, n. 3, July 2014, pp. 352-367; doi: 10.1080/13574809.2014.
Palazzo serves on the editorial boards of “Urbanistica Informazioni”, “Roma Moderna e Contemporanea”, “UrbanisticaTre”. She is currently working on environmental and social sustainability issues under a regional perspective, tackling the inequalities affecting the metropolitan areas confronted with housing and industry regeneration processes.
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