Personal information

Battery, Electrochemistry, Post Li, Metal anodes, Electrolytes, interfaces


My scientific achievements stem from my solid background in electrochemistry and practical expertise in energy storage research (fuel cells, supercapacitors and batteries). The main objective of my PhD was to develop electrochemical deposition methods for the synthesis of 1D nanostructures (nanowires and nanotubes) of Ru and Pt, either pure or alloyed. I investigated their growth mechanisms and was able to modulate their dimensions, microstructure and composition. My post-doctoral projects at ICMAB were focused on rechargeable batteries, my profile being complementary to the previous research of the host group (synthesis and crystal chemistry). Under this scenario, I successfully engineered a practical composite electrode formulation (composition and mixing procedure) enabling the use of conversion type materials with the best performances achieved to date, and getting further insight into the charge storage mechanisms. I did also develop and patented a new procedure for preparing carbon coated materials applicable to any kind of powder, in contrast to conventional methods. This allowed to mitigate the reactivity of some electrode active materials with the electrolyte and to improve their cycle life. After acquiring expertise in Li-ion battery, I turned onto the emerging Na-ion technology to develop a standard electrolyte which enabled successful operation of laboratory prototypes with performances that rival those of Li-ion batteries. My most recent research is devoted to the development of new electrolytes for Ca and Mg based batteries in the framework of an ERC Starting grant (CAMBAT). In this study my background in electrochemistry was crucial in demonstrating the feasibility of calcium plating/stripping, thought impossible earlier, constituting the first step towards the development of a new Ca anode based battery alternative to the Li-ion technology. I was recently awarded an ERC consolidator grant (MULTIMETALBAT).


Employment (1)

ICMAB-CSIC: Bellaterra, ES

2020 to present | Científico Titular (Solid State Chemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Ponrouch

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Quebec: Québec, CA

2010 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Ponrouch

Professional activities (1)

International Battery Association: -, US

2019 | Early career award
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Ponrouch

Funding (2)

ERC Consolidator grant

2023-06 to 2028-07 | Grant
European Research Council (Brussels, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Ponrouch

ERC Starting grant

2017-01 to 2022-06 | Grant
European Research Council (Brussels, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Ponrouch

Peer review (38 reviews for 17 publications/grants)

Review activity for ACS applied energy materials. (3)
Review activity for ACS applied materials & interfaces. (4)
Review activity for ACS energy letters. (2)
Review activity for ACS omega. (1)
Review activity for Advanced functional materials. (1)
Review activity for Chemistry of materials. (7)
Review activity for ChemSusChem (1)
Review activity for Electrochimica acta. (2)
Review activity for Energy storage materials. (3)
Review activity for Joule. (2)
Review activity for Journal of physical chemistry. (2)
Review activity for Nature (2)
Review activity for Nature communications (3)
Review activity for Nature energy. (1)
Review activity for Nature materials. (2)
Review activity for Science. (1)
Review activity for The journal of physical chemistry letters. (1)