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Yong Xu is a professor at the Institute of Metal Research (IMR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and a main member of advanced metal forming technology group (AMFT). In 2012, he received his doctoral degree in the field of Materials Sciences and Engineering from the Institute of Metal Research (IMR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In his PhD study, Prof. Xu successfully revealed the mechanism of formability improvement of austenitic stainless steel by pulsating load. The research interests of Prof. Xu include the development of advanced flexible forming technologies and machines for complex shaped thin-walled components, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of high-performance alloys, finite element simulation and multi-scale modelling. He is currently working on developing novel sheet/tube hydroforming technology such as pulsating hydroforming, impact hydroforming and hydro-forging to improve the formability of advanced structural materials such as high-strength steel, stainless steel, Mg alloy, Al alloy and Al-Li Alloy; Multi-scale mechanics of materials; Predicting of texture evolution and anisotropic behavior by CPFEM; Sheet metal formability (prediction and improvement). His research works were funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and China Postdoctoral Sciences Foundation and the main achievements have been successfully applied in Chinese automobile, aviation and nuclear power industry. To date, Prof. Xu has published more than 90 journal papers published in international and Chinese leading SCI and EI journals and got around 20 patents.