Personal information
Katarina Stavric is born in 1962 in Skopje. Dr Katarina Stavrikj, graduated in 1987 at University of Skopje “Ss Cyril and Methodius”, Medical Faculty Skopje, Macedonia. From 1990 she works as a medical doctor at University’s Children Hospital, Medical Faculty – Skopje, and from 1997 as Pediatrician, at Department of Immunology. In 2002, she obtained his MSc degree. In 2006 she was inaugurated with title of primaries from the Ministry of health. In 2011 she becomes doctor of science and from 2013 she become Assistant professor at Department of Family medicine, Medical Faculty Skopje. From 2009she is coordinator of the Center for family medicine at Medical Faculty, involved in development and implementation of family medicine in Macedonia. Since 2012 she is member of the team who is performing updating of the guidelines in Macedonia.
The objectives of her interest are clinical immunology and allergy, infections and rational prescribing of drugs, as well as education of medical professions. From 2012 she is Macedonian representative to EURACT (European Academy of teachers in General Practice). She has performed professional visits of several pediatric clinics and educational workshops as a part of her continual professional education. She published numerous professional papers in national and international medical journals and 3 books. She was involved as a researcher in 4 national projects, and 5 international projects from the domain of immunology and allergy, rational prescribing of antibiotics and quality of care. She was also involved in several working groups of Project in improving the health education preparing curriculum for Primary health care, pediatrics, Faculty of pediatric nurses and state exam. In period of 2005-2010 she become a member of the Educational board in Macedonian association of doctor responsible for the continual medical education of doctors.