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I'm an Associate Professor at Temple University in the Department of Media Studies and Production (within the Klein College of Media and Communication), and I serve on the faculties of our Media and Communication Doctoral Program, Cultural Analytics Graduate Certificate Program, and Science, Technology, and Society Network. I also sit on the Executive Editorial Boards of Philosophy & Technology and Digital Society and the Editorial Board of the Journal of Responsible Technology.
My work focuses on the social implications of data science with specific interests in semantic computing (things like metadata, web schemas, knowledge graphs, and applied ontologies) and embodied computing (things like wearables, embeddables, ingestibles, and implantables). I have conducted interviews with developers, archival research, and comparative analyses of digital tools and methods for data sharing. I also use computational methods in my research, including network analysis and natural language processing.
I maintain an active research agenda and have work published in New Media & Society, Social Media + Society, Communication Theory, The Information Society, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Information, Communication & Society, Global Media and Communication, Big Data & Society, Philosophy & Technology, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, Journal of Communication Pedagogy, and Online Information Review, among others. I've provided media commentary and am available for interviews and consultations.
Prospective graduate students: I am interested in working with students on empirical investigative research on technology industries, organizations, and products.