Personal information
Nareth Nut is the head of the department and recently worked as a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Agricultural Biosystems Engineering, Royal University of Agriculture (RUA). He obtained his BS degree from the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Cambodia, his M.Eng degree from Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand, and his Ph.D. degree in agricultural science from Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI), Japan. He has been involved in teaching, researching, and consulting activities in water resources management, hydrological modeling, crop modeling, soil erosion control, LULC, climate change, and environmental impact assessment (EIA) for over 8 years. He is enthusiastic about education, research, and outreach activities. His research focuses on (1) Crop modeling, (2) Hydrological and watershed modeling, (3) Water resource management, (4) Soil erosion control and management, (5) GIS and analysis of LULC changes, and (6) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA). He serves as a principal investigator on some projects, financially supported by USAID under the program of Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Cycle 7 and PEER-Community Engagement, as well as a project coordinator of a project funded by JICA under the collaboration between Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia and Kindai University, Japan. He also coordinates various projects at the Institute of Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation (ERECON) under financial support from JICA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan, and the UN Environment Programme.