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Fungi, immunology, Medical Mycology, Cryptococcus, Coccidioides
United States, Colombia


Works (18)

A fungal ubiquitin ligase and arrestin binding partner contribute to pathogenesis and survival during cellular stress.

2024-09-05 | Journal article
Contributors: du Plooy LM; Calla Telzrow; Nichols CB; Probst C; Castro-Lopez N; Floyd Wormley; Andrew Alspaugh
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Inhibition of host 5-lipoxygenase reduces overexuberant inflammatory responses and mortality associated with <i>Cryptococcus</i> meningoencephalitis.

2024-07-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Castro-Lopez N; Althea Campuzano; Mdalel E; Vanegas D; Chaturvedi A; Nguyen P; Pulse M; Cardona AE; Floyd Wormley
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Models for Inducing Experimental Cryptococcosis in Mice.

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
2024-01-01 | Book chapter
Contributors: Castro-Lopez N; Wormley FL Jr
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

An Immunogenic and Slow-Growing Cryptococcal Strain Induces a Chronic Granulomatous Infection in Murine Lungs.

Infection and immunity
2022-05-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Calla Telzrow; Shannon Esher Righi; Castro-Lopez N; Althea Campuzano; Brooks JT; Carney JM; Floyd Wormley; Andrew Alspaugh
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Lipid Secretion by Parasitic Cells of <i>Coccidioides</i> Contributes to Disseminated Disease.

Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology
2021-05-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Peláez-Jaramillo CA; Jiménez-Alzate MDP; Araque-Marin P; Chiung Yu Hung; Castro-Lopez N; Cole GT
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

CARD9 Is Required for Classical Macrophage Activation and the Induction of Protective Immunity against Pulmonary Cryptococcosis.

2020-01-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Althea Campuzano; Castro-Lopez N; Martinez AJ; MICHAL OLSZEWSKI; Anutosh Ganguly; Chrissy Leopold Wager; Chiung Yu Hung; Wormley FL Jr
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

A Fungal Arrestin Protein Contributes to Cell Cycle Progression and Pathogenesis.

2019-11-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Calla Telzrow; Nichols CB; Castro-Lopez N; Floyd Wormley; Andrew Alspaugh
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

An inherent T cell deficit in healthy males to C. neoformans infection may begin to explain the sex susceptibility in incidence of cryptococcosis.

Biology of sex differences
2019-09-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Guess TE; Rosen J; Castro-Lopez N; Wormley FL Jr; Erin
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Induction of memory-like dendritic cell responses in vivo.

Nature communications
2019-07-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Camaron Hole; Wager CML; Castro-Lopez N; Althea Campuzano; Cai H; Karen Wozniak; Yufeng Wang; Wormley FL Jr
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Glucan-Chitin Particles Enhance Th17 Response and Improve Protective Efficacy of a Multivalent Antigen (rCpa1) against Pulmonary Coccidioides posadasii Infection.

Infection and immunity
2018-10-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Chiung Yu Hung; Zhang H; Castro-Lopez N; Ostroff GR; Khoshlenar P; Abraham A; Cole GT; Negron A; 0000-0003-0692-7125; Peng T et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

IFN-γ immune priming of macrophages in vivo induces prolonged STAT1 binding and protection against Cryptococcus neoformans

PLOS Pathogens
2018-10-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Chrissy M. Leopold Wager; Mairi C. Noverr; Camaron R. Hole; Althea Campuzano; Natalia Castro-Lopez; Hong Cai; Marley C. Caballero Van Dyke; Karen L. Wozniak; Yufeng Wang; Floyd L. Wormley
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Induction of Broad-Spectrum Protective Immunity against Disparate <i>Cryptococcus</i> Serotypes.

Frontiers in immunology
2017-10-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Van Dyke MCC; Chaturvedi AK; Hardison SE; Chrissy Leopold Wager; Castro-Lopez N; Camaron Hole; Karen Wozniak; Wormley FL Jr
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Immune Response to Coccidioidomycosis and the Development of a Vaccine.

2017-03-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Castro-Lopez N; Chiung Yu Hung
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Dectin-3 Is Not Required for Protection against Cryptococcus neoformans Infection.

PloS one
2017-01-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Althea Campuzano; Castro-Lopez N; Karen Wozniak; Chrissy Leopold Wager; Wormley FL Jr
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Preclinical identification of vaccine induced protective correlates in human leukocyte antigen expressing transgenic mice infected with Coccidioides posadasii.

2016-09-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Hurtgen BJ; Castro-Lopez N; Jiménez-Alzate MDP; Cole GT; Chiung Yu Hung
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Card9- and MyD88-Mediated Gamma Interferon and Nitric Oxide Production Is Essential for Resistance to Subcutaneous Coccidioides posadasii Infection.

Infection and immunity
2016-03-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Chiung Yu Hung; Castro-Lopez N; Cole GT
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Vaccinated C57BL/6 mice develop protective and memory T cell responses to Coccidioides posadasii infection in the absence of interleukin-10.

Infection and immunity
2013-12-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Chiung Yu Hung; Castro-Lopez N; Cole GT
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Fusarium species detected in onychomycosis in Colombia.

2008-09-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Castro López N; Casas C; Sopo L; Rojas A; Del Portillo P; Cepero de García MC; Silvia Restrepo
Source: Self-asserted source
Natalia Castro-Lopez

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Journal of fungi. (1)