Personal information
A. Professional Activity
1. Since May 1990 he has been working within the scope of the Ministry of Justice, IRN service, IP – Institute of Registries and Notaries, IP Lisbon, (May 1990 - Currently). having been:
2. Sice 2007 to 2014 he performed the following roles: Member of the Management Control and External Relations Office (GCGRE), ensuring management support to the Chairman of the Board of Directors;
i. Head of the Balanced Scorecard Strategic Management model implementation project; Advising the Vice-President in the Assets area, ensuring that studies, proposals and monitoring reports are carried out;
ii. Member of the IRN, IP cost reduction program implementation group, as coordinator for the Heritage and Finance Department. As the project leader, it was necessary to provide training in the area of strategic management to a significant number of Conservators (Managers/Directors of Conservatories) and to highlight the importance of this management model in managers with legal training. Attention is drawn to the fact that the IRN, IP is made up of around 500 organic units (conservatories across the country, mainland and islands), each of which is led by a Conservator;
iii. Advisor to the Governing Board in the formulation of strategic options to be included in the following annual management cycle, by updating the QUAR in conjunction with the planning, strategy and evaluation system of the Ministry of Justice;
iv. Advisor to the Board of Directors in setting the objectives to be achieved annually by the IRN, I.P., taking into account its mission, the strategic objectives, the commitments assumed in the mission letter, the results of the evaluation of the performance of the previous year and the budget availability, defining the respective performance indicators and sources of verification.
I currently work at the Lisbon Civil Registry Office (dematerialization of documents)
B. Teaching Activity
1. Since 2018 he has been teaching several Curricular units in the area of public management at ISEC Lisboa as a Guest professor at the School of Management, in the Master's Course in Municipal Administration at ISEC - Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciência. Responsible for the Curricular Units: GCIO - Knowledge Management and Organizational Innovation (within the scope of central and local Public Administration). In the degree course in Municipal Management responsible for Curricular Units: FL - Local Finance, CAF I - Municipal Accounting and Finance I and GAF - Municipal Management and Finance. Member of the Jury, as Arguente, in tests aimed at obtaining a Master's degree in Municipal Management.
2. Since 2019 he has been teaching several Curricular units in the area of Administration and Management in Education at ISEC Lisboa as a Guest professor at the School of Education at ISEC Lisboa, within the scope of the Postgraduate course in Administration and Management in Education. Responsible for the Curricular Units: GFOE - Financial Management in Educational Organizations and GEOE - Strategic Management of Educational Organizations.
3. Since 2016 he has External researcher in the field of Management applied to the Public Sector at the Permanent Observatory of Public Administration (OPAP) – Research Center for Public Law, Institute of Political Legal Sciences – Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
4. Member of the FCT Jury in the call for tender for the award of scientific initiation grants as a permanent member, within the scope of the OPAP – Permanent Observatory of Public Administration of the Institute of Legal-Political Sciences and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (University of R&D No. 4310)
C. Studies and Documents Produced
1. Final report of the Studies and Planning Offices in Portuguese Public Administration in the 21st century, GEP(s) produced within the scope of the OPAP (Institute of Legal-Political Sciences and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon)
Presentation of the final report of the GEP(s) at FDUL