Personal information


Employment (4)

Montana State University Bozeman: Bozeman, MT, US

2018 to present | Professor of Fluvial Landscape Ecology (Land Resources and Environmental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Geoffrey Poole

Montana State University Bozeman: Bozeman, MT, US

2014 to 2018 | Associate Professor of Fluvial Landscape Ecology (Land Resources and Environmental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Geoffrey Poole

Montana State University Bozeman: Bozeman, MT, US

2008 to 2014 | Assistant Professor of Fluvial Landscape Ecology (Land Resources and Environmental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Geoffrey Poole

Eco-metrics, Inc: Tucker, GA, US

2000 to 2008 | President and Research Scientist
Source: Self-asserted source
Geoffrey Poole

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Montana: Missoula, MT, US

1995 to 2000 | Ph.D Forestry (Hydrology) (School of Forestry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Geoffrey Poole

Utah State University: Logan, UT, US

1987 to 1989 | M.S. in Forest Ecology (College of Natural Resources)
Source: Self-asserted source
Geoffrey Poole

Cornell University: Ithaca, NY, US

1984 to 1987 | B.S. in Natural Resources (Natural Resources)
Source: Self-asserted source
Geoffrey Poole