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Main topic of research:
Genetics, breeding and reproduction of farm animals (using rabbits, other farm animals and wild game as a model organisms). Focus on genetics, breeding, broiler rabbit reproduction and use of ELISA techniques, molecular genetic techniques in the selection of rabbits and wild game. Coordination of departmental and interdepartmental research projects.
Scientific research activities:
Author and co-author of: 59 original scientific papers in journals indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science; 24 scientific papers in others journals; 220 scientific and academic conference and congress contributions; 54 of expert and popular articles and 2 books in authorship. H-index: 14
Research Projects:
Principal Investigator of: 2 national research project (SRDA) and 1 Ministry of agriculture project.
Co-Principal Investigator of: 6 national research projects (SRDA), 4 EU operational programs and 13 Ministry of agriculture projects.
Teaching activity:
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Department of Animal Physiology since 2006.


Employment (1)

National Agricultural and Food Centre - Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra: Nitra - Luzianky, Nitra, SK

2003-07-01 to present | Head of Department of Nutrition and Small Farm Animals (Department of Nutrition and Small Farm Animals)
Source: Self-asserted source
Lubomir Ondruska

Education and qualifications (2)

Slovak University of Agriculture: Nitra, SK

2004 to 2009 | PhD. (Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources)
Source: Self-asserted source
Lubomir Ondruska

Slovak University of Agriculture: Nitra, SK

1998 to 2003 | Engineer (Ing.) (Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources)
Source: Self-asserted source
Lubomir Ondruska

Funding (2)

Membrane receptors in balancing selection of farm animals

2021-08 to 2025-06 | Grant
Slovak Research and Development Agency (Bratislava, SK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Lubomir Ondruska

Transcriptome and proteome in prediction of animal model vitality

2017-07 to 2021-12 | Grant
Slovak Research and Development Agency (Bratislava, SK)


Source: Self-asserted source
Lubomir Ondruska