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Works (4)

Practising Cold Weather: English Agricultural Discourse and Memory, 1739–1800

Environment and History
2024-09-28 | Journal article
Contributors: EMMA C. MOESSWILDE
Source: check_circle

“To Keep All the Year”: Women’s Experiences of Climate in the Everyday Eighteenth Century

Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal
2023-09-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1933-0065
Part of ISSN: 2378-4776
Contributors: Emma C. Moesswilde
Source: Self-asserted source
Emma Moesswilde

The history of climate and society: a review of the influence of climate change on the human past

Environmental Research Letters
2022-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Dagomar Degroot; Kevin J Anchukaitis; Jessica E Tierney; Felix Riede; Andrea Manica; Emma Moesswilde; Nicolas Gauthier
Source: check_circle

Towards a rigorous understanding of societal responses to climate change

2021-03-25 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 0028-0836
Part of ISSN: 1476-4687
Contributors: Dagomar Degroot; Kevin Anchukaitis; Martin Bauch; Jakob Burnham; Frederick Carnegy-Arbuthnott; Jianxin Cui; Kathryn de Luna; Piotr Guzowski; George Hambrecht; Heli Huhtamaa et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Emma Moesswilde