Personal information

Human-computer interaction, Interaction design, Automated systems, User experience


Employment (1)

University of Siegen: Siegen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE

2022-12-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Designing Autonomous Interactive Systems)
Source: Self-asserted source
Shadan Sadeghian

Education and qualifications (1)

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg: Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, DE

2014-01-01 to 2018-08-10 | Dr.-Ing.
Source: Self-asserted source
Shadan Sadeghian

Works (8)

Designing Technologies for Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Mobility

2024-09-22 | Conference paper
Contributors: Shadan Sadeghian; Hatice Şahin İppoliti; Debargha Dey; Philipp Wintersberger
Source: check_circle

Towards Seamless Remote Interactions: Exploring Novel Paradigms for Teleoperation of Autonomous Vehicles

2024-09-22 | Conference paper
Contributors: Felix Tener; Andreas Schrank; Philipp Wintersberger; Shadan Sadeghian
Source: check_circle

The Soul of Work: Evaluation of Job Meaningfulness and Accountability in Human-AI Collaboration

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
2024-04-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Shadan Sadeghian; Alarith Uhde; Marc Hassenzahl
Source: check_circle

To mimic reality or to go beyond? “Superpowers” in virtual reality, the experience of augmentation and its consequences

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Robin Neuhaus; Ronda Ringfort-Felner; Shadan Sadeghian; Marc Hassenzahl
Source: check_circle

A Real Bottleneck Scenario with a Wizard of Oz Automated Vehicle - Role of eHMIs

2023-09-18 | Conference paper
Contributors: Hatice Şahin İppoliti; Angelique Daudrich; Debargha Dey; Philipp Wintersberger; Shadan Sadeghian; Susanne Boll
Source: check_circle

“Do You Want to Drive Together?” - A Use Case Analysis on Cooperative, Automated Driving.

2023-09-18 | Conference paper
Contributors: Bhavana Malve; Jakob Peintner; Shadan Sadeghian; Andreas Riener
Source: check_circle

“Play Your Anger”: A Report on the Empathic In-vehicle Interface Workshop

2023-09-18 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jiayuan Dong; Chihab Nadri; Ignacio Alvarez; Cyriel Diels; Myeongkyu Lee; Jingyi Li; Pei Hsuan Liao; Carina Manger; Shadan Sadeghian; Martina Schuß et al.
Source: check_circle

Dying, Death, and the Afterlife in Human-Computer Interaction. A Scoping Review.

2023-04-19 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ruben Albers; Shadan Sadeghian; Matthias Laschke; Marc Hassenzahl
Source: check_circle

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for International journal of human-computer studies. (1)
Review activity for Wirtschaftsinformatik. (1)