Personal information
I am a specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. In 2008 I obtained a doctorate and the Rio Hortega competitive contract. I started as a postdoctoral researcher at CREAL (currently ISGlobal) for 2 years and then expand my research career in Holland almost 4 years. In 2013 I got the 1st position in the competitive call Miguel Servet and I returned to Spain in April 2014 to start my career as a group leader. My line of research focuses on the study of exposure to multiple environmental factors during pregnancy, mainly air pollution, factors related environmental factors, persistent and non-persistent organic pollutants and electromagnetic fields, in relation to growth and development in childhood, with special emphasis on brain development. Throughout my short career as a group leader I have developed a high-quality research with strong links with high-level researchers both Spanish and international level, in addition to achieving a profile of excellence with international financing. In mid-2016 I won the prestigious "Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award "from the" Health Effects Institute "of the United States in recognition of
an exceptional career and promising career. My current research group consists of 7 doctoral students, 2 master of public health, 2 statisticians, 2 GIS technicians, 2 field workers and 1 project manager. Since 2010 I am a member of group 40 of CIBERESP and of international consortia "Early Growth Genetics (EGG)" and "Early Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE)". Since 2008 I have been a member of the steering committee of the INMA Project and since 2014 I have been Principal Investigator of one of the participating cohorts. In 2017 I am part of the Technical Evaluation Commission of the ISCIII. I received the award for the best original article from epidemiology in 2009, 2012 and 2014 by the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE). I was founding member of the Association of Residents of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (ARES) and the Spanish Group of Young Epidemiologists (EJE Group) in 2007 and its president between 2007 and 2009. I was a member of the Public Health Society of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (SSPCB) between 2006 and 2008, member of the Scientific Committee of the Congress ISEE Europe Young Research in 2014 and 2015 and the Congress of the SEE in 2017, member of the academic council of the Summer School of Public Health of Menorca and director of the new course in epidemiology Advanced IPAES and editorial member of the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health since 2015 and Environemntal Health Prespectives since 2017.
Employment (9)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (7)
7th Framework Program
Works (41)