Personal information


Employment (2)

University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, US

Source: check_circle
University of Pennsylvania via ORCID Member Portal

University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, US

Research Fellow (Bioengineering)
Source: check_circle
University of Pennsylvania via ORCID Member Portal

Works (22)

Image harmonization: A review of statistical and deep learning methods for removing batch effects and evaluation metrics for effective harmonization

2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 10959572 10538119
Contributors: Hu, F.; Chen, A.A.; Horng, H.; Bashyam, V.; Davatzikos, C.; Alexander-Bloch, A.; Li, M.; Shou, H.; Satterthwaite, T.D.; Yu, M. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

MultiComBat: ComBat harmonization of multiple batch variables

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2023 | Conference paper


Part of ISBN: 9781510660359
Part of ISSN: 16057422
Contributors: Horng, H.; Kontos, D.; Shinohara, R.T.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Radiomic phenotyping of the lung parenchyma in a lung cancer screening cohort

Scientific Reports
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Haghighi, B.; Horng, H.; Noël, P.B.; Cohen, E.A.; Pantalone, L.; Vachani, A.; Rendle, K.A.; Wainwright, J.; Saia, C.; Shinohara, R.T. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Radiomics analysis to diagnose tumor invasiveness of pulmonary sub-solid nodules from longitudinal pre-surgical CT scans

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2023 | Conference paper


Part of ISBN: 9781510660359
Part of ISSN: 16057422
Contributors: Singh, A.; Horng, H.; Roshkovan, L.; Katz, S.I.; Kontos, D.; Thompson, J.C.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

DeepComBat: A Statistically Motivated, Hyperparameter-Robust, Deep Learning Approach to Harmonization of Neuroimaging Data

2023-04-24 | Preprint
Contributors: Fengling Hu; Alfredo Lucas; Andrew A. Chen; Kyle Coleman; Hannah Horng; Raymond W.S. Ng; Nicholas J. Tustison; Kathryn A. Davis; Haochang Shou; Mingyao Li et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Automated machine learning for differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma on multiphasic MRI

Scientific Reports
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Hu, R.; Li, H.; Horng, H.; Thomasian, N.M.; Jiao, Z.; Zhu, C.; Zou, B.; Bai, H.X.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Development of a robust radiomic biomarker of progression-free survival in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with first-line immunotherapy

Scientific Reports
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Singh, A.; Horng, H.; Roshkovan, L.; Weeks, J.K.; Hershman, M.; Noël, P.; Luna, J.M.; Cohen, E.A.; Pantalone, L.; Shinohara, R.T. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Ensemble Approaches to Recognize Protected Health Information in Radiology Reports

Journal of Digital Imaging
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1618727X 08971889
Contributors: Horng, H.; Steinkamp, J.; Kahn, C.E.; Cook, T.S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Generalized ComBat harmonization methods for radiomic features with multi-modal distributions and multiple batch effects

Scientific Reports
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Horng, H.; Singh, A.; Yousefi, B.; Cohen, E.A.; Haghighi, B.; Katz, S.; Noël, P.B.; Shinohara, R.T.; Kontos, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Improved generalized ComBat methods for harmonization of radiomic features

Scientific Reports
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Horng, H.; Singh, A.; Yousefi, B.; Cohen, E.A.; Haghighi, B.; Katz, S.; Noël, P.B.; Kontos, D.; Shinohara, R.T.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Iterative ComBat methods for harmonization of radiomic features

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2022 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16057422
Contributors: Horng, H.; Singh, A.; Yousefi, B.; Cohen, E.A.; Haghighi, B.; Katz, S.; Noël, P.B.; Shinohara, R.T.; Kontos, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Radiomic Phenotypes for Improving Early Prediction of Survival in Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Adenocarcinoma after Chemoradiation

2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20726694
Contributors: Luna, J.M.; Barsky, A.R.; Shinohara, R.T.; Roshkovan, L.; Hershman, M.; Dreyfuss, A.D.; Horng, H.; Lou, C.; Noël, P.B.; Cengel, K.A. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Resampling and harmonization for mitigation of heterogeneity in image parameters of baseline scans

Scientific Reports
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Singh, A.; Horng, H.; Chitalia, R.; Roshkovan, L.; Katz, S.I.; Noël, P.; Shinohara, R.T.; Kontos, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Resampling and harmonization for mitigation of heterogeneity in imaging parameters: A comparative study

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2022 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 16057422
Contributors: Singh, A.; Horng, H.; Roshkovan, L.; Hershman, M.; Shinohara, R.T.; Katz, S.I.; Kontos, D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

3D printed vascular phantoms for high-resolution biophotonic image quality assessment via direct laser writing

Optics Letters
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15394794 01469592
Contributors: Horng, H.; O'Brien, K.; Lamont, A.; Sochol, R.D.; Pfefer, T.J.; Chen, Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Radiomic phenotyping of the lung parenchyma: Feasibility study in a screening cohort

Research Square
2021 | Other


Contributors: Haghighi, B.; Horng, H.; Noël, P.B.; Cohen, E.; Pantalone, L.; Vachani, A.; Rendle, K.A.; Wainwright, J.; Saia, C.; Shinohara, R.T. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Morphological and functional characteristics of aging kidneys based on two-photon microscopy in vivo

Journal of Biophotonics
2020 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18640648 1864063X
Contributors: Wu, S.; Guo, H.; Horng, H.; Liu, Y.; Li, H.; Daneshpajouhnejad, P.; Rosenberg, A.; Albanese, C.; Ranjit, S.; Andrews, P.M. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Assessing metastatic potential of breast cancer cells based on EGFR dynamics

Scientific Reports
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20452322
Contributors: Liu, Y.-L.; Chou, C.-K.; Kim, M.; Vasisht, R.; Kuo, Y.-A.; Ang, P.; Liu, C.; Perillo, E.P.; Chen, Y.-A.; Blocher, K. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Spatial EGFR dynamics and metastatic phenotypes modulated by upregulated Ephb2 and Src pathways in advanced prostate cancer

2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 20726694
Contributors: Liu, Y.-L.; Horning, A.M.; Lieberman, B.; Kim, M.; Lin, C.-K.; Hung, C.-N.; Chou, C.-W.; Wang, C.-M.; Lin, C.-L.; Kirma, N.B. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

3D mesoscopic fluorescence tomography for imaging micro-distribution of antibody-photon absorber conjugates during near infrared photoimmunotherapy in vivo

Journal of Controlled Release
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18734995 01683659
Contributors: Tang, Q.; Nagaya, T.; Liu, Y.; Horng, H.; Lin, J.; Sato, K.; Kobayashi, H.; Chen, Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Biomimetic microvascular tissue phantoms fabricated with two-photon 3D printing

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
2018 | Conference paper


Contributors: Horng, H.; Liu, Y.; Suresh, N.; Ghassemi, P.; Pfefer, J.; Chen, Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Quantitative evaluation of redox ratio and collagen characteristics during breast cancer chemotherapy using two-photon intrinsic imaging

Biomedical Optics Express
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 21567085
Contributors: Wu, S.; Huang, Y.; Tang, Q.; Li, Z.; Horng, H.; Li, J.; Wu, Z.; Chen, Y.; Li, H.
Source: Self-asserted source
Hannah Horng via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Physica medica. (1)