Personal information

Consultant doctor ,Consulting healthcare , teaching faculty , Neurology ,Stroke ,
United Kingdom


I am Neuroscientist and Consultant Neurologist & Stroke .I am post PhD in Neuroscience and finished a postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Neurology at University College London. I am Fellow of European Stroke Organization and Member of Royal College of Physician of Glasgow . I enjoy teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. My present interests in research are Stroke ,Neuroradiology, Neurolinguistics.

Publications :

*Genc Struga ,“Haemorrhagic cerebrovascular events and Marfan syndrome” European Journal of Neurology
9, (2) , 107-165 2002

*Genc Struga :“Data analysis of patients with cerebrovascular accident recovered in our clinic, European Journal of Neurology 10, 1-258, 2003

*Genc Struga “Psycho- emotional stress and somatic disorders” in magazine: Mental health and human rights. Supp Vol 4 2005

*Genc Struga Title: “Retrospective study of a series of 512 cases of carotidartery ultrasounds” . 14, 1-355 2007

*Genc Struga “Lacunar cerebral infarcts patients have relatively spare carotid artery disease compare withthose with nonlacunar cerebral infarcts “Cerebrovasc Dis.1-74,2011

*Genc Struga “Alcohol consumption role in development of atherosclerotic carotid artery disease”
Cerebrovasc Dis.1-74(2011)

*Genc Struga “ Age and gender role in atherosclerotic carotid artery disease” . Cerebrovasc Dis.1-74(2011)

*Genc Struga :“Ultrasound in Atherosklerotic carotid artery “ Journal of Medical Science Tirana University,
1, 2011

*Genc Struga “Carotid artery atherosclerotic plaque investigation with ultrasound , the importance of intima media thickness. Management of vascular risk factors for primary or secondary prevention of stroke” Journal of Medical Science 1, 2011

*Genc Struga :“ Retrospective Study of a Series of 512 Cases of Carotid Artery Ultrasonography” Publishedonline Wedmed Central ISSN 206-1690.

*Genc Struga ,Gentian Vyshka “ Ultrasound in atheroscrotic carotid arterial disease “ Medical Journal 3,2011

*Genc Struga “Eksplorimi sonografik i morfologjisë së pllakës atherosklerotike në arteriet karotide.Prevenimi primar apo sekondar i aksidentit cerebrovaskular ishemik” Journal of Medical Science ,1,2012

*Genc Struga ,J.Kruja, S.Xhaxho ,G.Cakciri:Title: “Carotid intima media thickness and ischemic stroke”Cerebrovasc Dis. 34, 3, 2012

*Genc Struga : “Role of carotid plaque morphology in ischemic stroke” Cerebrovasc Dis. 34, 3, 2012

*Genc Struga (1) , Jera Kruja (2) “Retrospective study of 864 cases of neuroultrasounds examinations for primary and secondary prevention of ischemic stroke “ 2012 Journal of Neurology 19, 1, 2012

*Genc Struga “Why Native Albanian Speaker have an Easier Approach toward Acquisition of otherLanguages?” J Neurol Stroke 4(5):2016

*Genc Struga “Evaluation of the association of intracranial artery stenosis and coronary artery stenosisincluding the risk for stroke” Cerebrovasc Dis 41, No. 1-2, 201

*Genc Struga :“ Iconographic Alphabet Remain the Best Form of Expression and Comprehension of Speech.EC Neurology

*Genc Struga How the Language Characteristics and Writing System Affects Brain Processing of Speech?” EC Neurology 8.4121-124,2017.

*Genc Struga “The Language We Speak Affects Our Cognition “The Language We Speak Affects OurCognition”. EC Neurology 10.4, 342 , 2018.

*Genc S, Thomas B, Enver R, Stavros B. The Cognitive Benefits of Learning Native Language and Bilingualism in a Minority Group Open Access J Neurol Neurosurg. 2018; 7(5): 555722.

*Suzan Gjeci , Genc Struga “The frontal and dysexecutive syndrome” 6th International Public HealthConference 66, 2018.

Genc Struga ,”How the Musicality of Ethnolinguistic Affects the Cognitive Abilities for Further Learning “ Arch
Neurol & Neurosci . 1(1): 2018..

*Genc Struga , “Better speech processing of Albanian language would mean less activity in fMRI”published in Journal of 7 , 20. 2018

*Genc Struga “How the musicality of ethnolinguistic affects the cognitive abilities for further learning ”.published in Journal of Spine & Neurosugery , vol 7 , 33, 2018


*Genc Struga, Majlinda Shyti. Continues Mannitol Infusion Might Provide Effectiveness in Patient with Malignant MCA. Arch Neurol &Neurosc. 2(5).2019

*Genc Struga and Thomas Bak. “Phonosymbolisem, the Cognitive Benefits of an Universal Language”. EC Neurology 11.3 (2019).

*Genc Sturga and Thomas Bak . “Phonosymbolisem, the Cognitive Benefits of an Universal Language“.European Journal of Neurology 26((suppl.1)).2019.

*G.Struga Using alternative medicine Nuraid II in the treatment of acute phase of stroke, 7thInternational Conference on Neurodegenerative Disorders & Stroke, Feb 28th-March 1st 2019 at Paris , France. Published online. Presenting for Moleac Pharma.

*G. Struga, L. Bianchi, F. Ammoscato, J. Bestwick, G. Giovannoni, S. Gnanapavan;


Employment (2)

Mother Teresa Hospital: Tirana, AL

2000-04-01 to 2020-11-01 | Consultant Neurologist (Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Blizard Institute: London, London, GB

2019-11-01 to 2020-04-01 | Clinical Research fellow (Neuroscience )
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

Education and qualifications (3)

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2021-02-15 | MRCPS Glasgow
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

University of Medicine Tirana: Tirana, AL

2010-09-01 to 2013-01-15 | PhD Neuroscience (Faculty of Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

University College London: London, GB

2004-08-01 to 2005-03-15 | Postgraduate Diploma Clinical Neurology (Institute of Neurology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

Professional activities (5)

Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine: York, North Yorkshire, GB

2022-05-20 to present | UK Registration Neuroradiology Sonography scan
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine: York, North Yorkshire, GB

2022-05-20 to present | UK Registration Neuroradiology Sonography scan
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

NHS Worcestershire: Worcester, Worcestershire, GB

2020-09-19 to present | Consultant Neurologist (Stroke Unit )
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow: Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

2021-02-15 | MRCPS Glasgow
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga

European Stroke Organisation: Basel, CH

2020-01-01 | Fellow of European stroke
Source: Self-asserted source
Genc Struga