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Paleoecology, Marine vertebrates, Calcium Isotopes, Elements concentration, 3D Topography, Microtomography, Geometric morphometrics, Compared anatomy


My work focus on the reconstruction of the paleoecology of marine vertebrates using the geochemical record of their teeth as well as dental 3D topography.
I have an emphasis on reconstructing the trophic and spatial ecology of modern and fossil elasmobranchs as they represent essential components of marine communities, and their disappearance could have unpredictable and detrimental effects on the food web. Exploring the structuration of their communities in the fossil record and especially through major crises (e.g Devonian/Carboniferous or Cretaceous/Paleogene) can provide information to assess temporal changes in the ecological dynamics of communities that could be of great help for modern conservation purposes.


Employment (2)

Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier: Montpellier, FR

2024-01-01 to 2024-12-31 | Postdoctorant (Paléontologie)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat

Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier: Montpellier, FR

2019-10-01 to 2023-01-26 | PhD Student (Paleontology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat

Works (13)

Exploring diet shifts and ecology in modern sharks using calcium isotopes and trace metal records of their teeth

Journal of Fish Biology
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Sylvain Adnet; Kani Bayez; Auguste Hassler; Florent Arnaud‐Godet; Frederik H. Mollen; Catherine Girard; Jeremy E. Martin
Source: check_circle

3D models related to the publication: Shape diversity in conodont elements, a quantitative study using 3D topography.

2024-01-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Ghislain Thiery; Thibaud Lieffroy; Catherine Girard
Source: check_circle

Shape diversity in conodont elements, a quantitative study using 3D topography

Marine Micropaleontology
2023-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0377-8398
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Ghislain Thiery; Thibaud Lieffroy; Catherine Girard
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat

Vertebrate diversity reveals perturbations in faunal communities prior to the Hangenberg event in the Montagne Noire (France)

Bulletin of Geosciences
2022-01-23 | Journal article
Contributors: A. Assemat; Catherine Girard; M.M. Joachimski; S. Adnet
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL

Apport de la géochimie isotopique du calcium à l’étude du régime alimentaire chez les elasmobranches, le cas du requin griset Hexanchus griseus.

2021 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Kani Bayez; Auguste Hassler; Catherine Girard; Sylvain Adnet; Jérémy Martin
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL

Calcium isotope geochemistry to the study of diet in present and fossil elasmobranchs, case of Megalodon

2021 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Sylvain Adnet; Kani Bayez; Auguste Hassler; Florent Arnaud-Godet; Frederik Mollen; Catherine Girard; Jeremy E Martin
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL

Apport de la géochimie isotopique du calcium à l'étude du régime alimentaire chez les elasmobranches.

2021-11-01 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Kani Bayez; Auguste Hassler; Catherine Girard; Sylvain Adnet; Jérémy Martin; Florent Arnaud-Godet; Frederik Mollen
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL

The ossicular chain of Cainotheriidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla)

Journal of Anatomy
2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Mickaël J. Mourlam; Romain Weppe; Jacob Maugoust; Pierre‐Olivier Antoine; Maeva Judith Orliac
Source: check_circle

3D models related to the publication: The ossicular chain of Cainotheriidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla)  

2020-04-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Mickaël Mourlam; Maëva Judith Orliac
Source: check_circle

New remains of caviomorph rodents from the Paleogene of the Juanjui area (Peruvian Amazonia): syste-matics, macroevolutionary implications and biostratigraphy

2019-10-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexandre Assémat; Myriam Boivin; Laurent Marivaux; Francois Pujos; Aldo Benites-Palomino; Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi; Julia V. Tejada-Lara; Rafael M Varas-Malca; Francisco Ricardo Negri; Ana Maria Ribeiro et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL

El Eoceno de los roedores caviomorfos: entre la radiación inicial y aparición de las superfamilias, falencias en el registro fósil y descubrimientos recientes

2019-09-27 | Conference paper
Contributors: Myriam Boivin; Alexandre Assémat; Laurent Marivaux; François Pujos; Aldo Benites-Palomino; Rodolfo Salas Gismondi; Narla Stutz; Julia V. Tejada-Lara; Francisco Ricardo Negri; Ana Maria Ribeiro et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL

La chaîne des osselets de l’oreille moyenne des Cainotheriidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla)

2019-04-16 | Other
Contributors: Alexandre Assémat; Mickaël J Mourlam; Romain Weppe; Jacob Maugoust; Pierre-Olivier Antoine; Maeva J. Orliac
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL

The petrosal bone of Prodremotherium sp. (Artiodactyla, Ruminantia) from the Late Oligocene localities of Quercy, France

2015-06-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexandre Assemat; Nicolas Brualla
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandre Assemat via HAL
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