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Works (3)

Complexome profiling on the Chlamydomonas lpa2 mutant reveals insights into PSII biogenesis and new PSII associated proteins

Journal of Experimental Botany
2022-01-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Spaniol; Julia Lang; Benedikt Venn; Lara Schake; Frederik Sommer; Matthieu Mustas; Stefan Geimer; Francis-André Wollman; Yves Choquet; Timo Mühlhaus et al.
Source: check_circle

Complexome profiling on thelpa2mutant reveals insights into PSII biogenesis and new PSII associated proteins

2021-01-07 | Preprint
Contributors: Benjamin Spaniol; Julia Lang; Benedikt Venn; Lara Schake; Frederik Sommer; Matthieu Mustas; Francis-André Wollman; Yves Choquet; Timo Mühlhaus; Michael Schroda
Source: check_circle

The Chlamydomonas deg1c Mutant Accumulates Proteins Involved in High Light Acclimation

Plant Physiology
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Jasmine Theis; Julia Lang; Benjamin Spaniol; Suzanne Ferté; Justus Niemeyer; Frederik Sommer; David Zimmer; Benedikt Venn; Shima Farazandeh Mehr; Timo Mühlhaus et al.
Source: check_circle