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Employment (1)

Donskoj gosudarstvennyj tehniceskij universitet: Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovskaâ, RU

2013-03 to present | старший преподаватель
Source: Self-asserted source
Нина Савельева

Works (5)

Testing a program for numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures, taking into account the effect of rapidly increasing creep of concrete

Construction and Architecture
2024-12-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Peter Gaidzhurov; Elvira Iskhakova; Nina Savelieva; Bris Robin Zu Bi Ti
Source: check_circle

Application of the Double Approximation Method for Constructing Stiffness Matrices of Volumetric Finite Elements

Advanced Engineering Research (Rostov-on-Don)
2023-12-27 | Journal article
Contributors: P. P. Gaidzhurov; N. A. Saveleva
Source: check_circle

Influence of Concrete Creep on the Bending of a Prestressed Bridge Beam

Reinforced concrete structures
2023-07-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Petr P. Gaidzhurov; Elvira R. Iskhakova; Nina A. Saveleva
Source: check_circle

Numerical simulation of the behavior of kinematically unstable slopes under dynamic influences

Advanced Engineering Research
2022-01-09 | Journal article
Contributors: P. P Gaidzhurov; N. A. Saveleva; E. V. Trufanova
Source: check_circle

Finite element modeling of the joint action of flow slide and protective structure

Advanced Engineering Research
2021-07-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Р. Р. Gaidzhurov; N. А. Saveleva; V. А. Dyachenkov
Source: check_circle