Personal information
At the Laboratory of Solar Energetics and Building Physics (IGT-LESBAT), competence centre from the School of Engineering and Management Vaud (HEIG-VD), member of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), I am currently working in the field of Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for the construction sector.
I am involved in 5 different types of activities:
1. Call for tenders analyses and writing of projects' proposals
e.g., European projects (Interreg, Horizon 2020...), Swiss Federal Office for Energy call for tenders, International Energy Agency EBC programme.
2. Management and contribution to International, European and Swiss R&D projects
- Swiss partner of the EU research project RIBuild (Historic buildings renovation with hygrothermal, energy, LCA and LCC assessment), project funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme.
- Swiss partner of the IEA EBC Annex 56 project and IEA-EBC Annex 72 project on "Assessing Life Cycle related environmental impacts casued by buildings" (2016-2021)
3. Expertises
- Expert approved by the French EPD Program (INIES FDES) for the verification of Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in France (product-specific Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies).
- European expert on the question of EPD for the building sector and the application of LCA to buildings / construction (cf. list of publications below in that field).
- Member of the SIA 2032 commission on Embodied energy and LCA for buildings from the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA).
4. Teaching and training courses:
- Teaching courses in LCA for buildings (HES-SO Bachelor in Energy and Environmental Engineering), contribution to some teaching activities in the Master of Advanced Studies MAS EDD-BAT, or during CPI Isover training courses.
5. Services to companies:
- Consulting for building manufacturers (e.g., LCA studies for the Swiss KBOB database and/or EPD studies or verification for France and EU-countries).