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KAREN P. CORRIGAN holds a Personal chair in Linguistics and English Language and is Director of Research in Linguistics at Newcastle University in the UK. She is currently President of The International Society for the Linguistics of English (2021-2023). She is the author of two research monographs on Irish English: “Linguistic Communities and Migratory Processes: Newcomers Acquiring Sociolinguistic Variation in Northern Ireland” (de Gruyter Mouton 2020) and “Irish English, Volume 1: Northern Ireland” (Edinburgh University Press 2010). She has co-edited 8 books on topics ranging from socio-syntax to corpus linguistics. She has published on American, Australian, British, Canadian and Irish English dialects as well as language contact, second language acquisition and socio-syntax across the major journals of her field. Her research has been funded by agencies in Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands. Her most recent research programme is the “Múin Béarla do na Leanbháin” (‘Teach the Children English’) Project (AHRC AH/K008285/1). It focuses on sociolinguistic variation, language contact, shift and second language acquisition amongst young people in three different communities in Northern Ireland.