Personal information


Employment (1)

Danish Institute for International Studies: Copenhagen, DK

Postdoctoral researcher (Migration and Global Order)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman

Works (14)

Logistics, Politics and Berbera in the Eye of an International Storm

Politique Africaine
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Finn Stepputat; Jethro Norman
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Platform kinship and the reshaping of political order in the Somali territories

International Affairs
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Norman, Jethro
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The crisis in the palm of our hand

International Affairs
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Norman, Jethro; Ford, Matthew; Cold-Ravnkilde, Signe Marie
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Situated Polycrises: Somali responses to COVID-19

2024-11-06 | Other
Contributors: Nauja Kleist; Peter Albrecht; Abdirahman Ali; Mark Bradbury; Mohamed Hassan; Karuti Kanyinga; Fatima Mohamed; Ahmed Musa; Jethro Norman
Source: check_circle

Porous bunker: Private security contractors and the plasticity of Mogadishu’s international ‘green zone’

Security Dialogue
2023-04-20 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 0967-0106
Part of ISSN: 1460-3640
Contributors: Jethro Norman
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Tensions of Modernity: Privilege, Precarity, and Colonial Nostalgia among European Security Contractors in East Africa

Comparative Studies in Society and History
2023-04-20 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 0010-4175
Part of ISSN: 1475-2999
Contributors: Jethro Norman
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman
Preferred source (of 3)‎

‘Kinshipping’: Diasporic infrastructures of connectivity, circulation, and exchange

2022-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0016-7185
Contributors: Jethro Norman
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Theory Talk #75: Tarak Barkawi on IR after the West, or why the best work in IR is often found at its margins

Theory Talks
2021 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2001-4732
Contributors: Jethro Norman
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman

Private military and security companies in Somalia

Conflict Research Management
2020 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman

Frontiers of force: transnational security practitioners and the evolution of the global security industry in East Africa

2019 | Dissertation or Thesis
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman

Book Review: Routledge Handbook of Private Security Studies. Edited by Rita Abrahamsen and Anna Leander

2018 | Other
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman

Routledge Handbook of Private Security Studies

War in History
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Norman, Jethro
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC's) in Somalia since the end of the civil war: historical and theoretical implications

African Studies Bulletin
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman

Neoliberal Globalisation and the “Arab Spring”; One Facet of a Global Movement?

Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jethro Norman