Personal information



Education and qualifications (3)

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte: Natal, RN, BR

Bachelor (Ecology)
Source: Self-asserted source

Universidade de Brasília: Brasilia, DF, BR

Master (Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável )
Source: Self-asserted source

Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum: Wageningen, Gelderland, NL

2019-06-01 to present | PhD Candidate (Public Administration and Policy)
Source: Self-asserted source

Works (29)

Dialogues towards drought preparedness in Brazil : Connecting policy and people in drought management

2024 | Dissertation/Thesis
Contributors: Louise Cavalcante de Souza Cabral
Source: check_circle

From insufficient rainfall to livelihoods: understanding the cascade of drought impacts and policy implications

2024-04-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Louise Cavalcante; David W. Walker; Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho; Mariana Madruga de Brito; Wieke Pot; Art Dewulf; Pieter van Oel
Source: check_circle

Supplementary material to "From insufficient rainfall to livelihoods: understanding the cascade of drought impacts and policy implications"

2024-04-04 | Preprint
Contributors: Louise Cavalcante; David W. Walker; Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho; Mariana Madruga de Brito; Wieke Pot; Art Dewulf; Pieter van Oel
Source: check_circle

It's not all about drought: What “drought impacts” monitoring can reveal

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: David W. Walker; Juliana Lima Oliveira; Louise Cavalcante; Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Lieke A. Melsen; Francisco Bergson P. Fernandes; Veronica Mitroi; Rubens S. Gondim; Eduardo Sávio Passos Rodrigues Martins et al.
Source: check_circle

HESS Opinions: Drought impacts as failed prospects

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
2023-11-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Germano G. Ribeiro Neto; Sarra Kchouk; Lieke A. Melsen; Louise Cavalcante; David W. Walker; Art Dewulf; Alexandre C. Costa; Eduardo S. P. R. Martins; Pieter R. van Oel
Source: check_circle

Mind the Gap: Misalignment Between Drought Monitoring and Community Realities

2023-11-21 | Preprint
Contributors: Sarra Kchouk; Louise Cavalcante; Lieke A. Melsen; David W. Walker; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Rubens Gondim; Wouter J. Smolenaars; Pieter R. van Oel
Source: check_circle

From creeping crisis to policy change: The adoption of drought preparedness policy in Brazil

Water Policy
2023-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Louise Cavalcante; Wieke Pot; Pieter van Oel; Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Art Dewulf
Source: check_circle

HESS Opinions: Drought impacts as failed prospects

2023-06-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Germano G. Ribeiro Neto; Sarra Kchouk; Lieke A. Melsen; Louise Cavalcante; David W. Walker; Art Dewulf; Alexandre C. Costa; Eduardo S. P. R. Martins; Pieter R. van Oel
Source: check_circle

It’s not all about drought: what “drought impacts” monitoring reveals about semiarid northeast Brazil

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: David W. Walker; Juliana Lima Oliveira; Louise Cavalcante; Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Lieke A. Melsen; Francisco Bergson P. Fernandes; Veronica Mitroi; Rubens S. Gondim; Eduardo Sávio Passos Rodrigues Martins et al.
Source: check_circle

Drought-impacted communities in social-ecological systems: exploration of different system states in Northeast Brazil.

2023-02-26 | Preprint
Contributors: Sarra Kchouk; Lieke Melsen; Louise Cavalcante; Germano Ribeiro Neto; David Walker; Ruben Sonsol Gondim; Pieter van Oel
Source: check_circle

Fighting against, and coping with, drought in Brazil: two policy paradigms intertwined

Regional Environmental Change
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Louise Cavalcante; Art Dewulf; Pieter van Oel
Source: check_circle

Establishing citizen science drought impacts monitoring in Northeast Brazil: what for and how? 

2022-09-23 | Preprint
Contributors: David W. Walker; Meiry Sayuri Sakamoto; Veronica Mitroi; Juliana Lima Oliveira; Francisco das C. Vasconcelos Júnior; Sarra Kchouk; Louise Cavalcante; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Eduardo S.P.R. Martins; Pieter van Oel
Source: check_circle

Multiple scale conflicts over water security in a semi-arid river basin: Banabuiu River Basin, Ceara - Brazil

2022-09-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Louise Cavalcante; Esmee van de Ridder; Pieter van Oel; Art Dewulf; Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; David Walker; Eduardo Martins
Source: check_circle

The influence of a dense network of small reservoirs on drought evolution in a semiarid region 

2022-09-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Germano Ribeiro Neto; Paolo Colombo; Louise Cavalcante; Sarra Kchouk; Lieke Melsen; Alexandre Cunha Costa; David W. Walker; Eduardo Martins; Pieter van Oel
Source: check_circle

A policy mix approach for assessing rural household resilience to climate shocks: Insights from Northeast Brazil

International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
2022-07-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Carolina Milhorance; Jean-François Le Coq; Eric Sabourin; Nadine Andrieu; Patrícia Mesquita; Louise Cavalcante; Daniela Nogueira
Source: check_circle

Drought Diagnosis: What the Medical Sciences Can Teach Us

Earth's Future
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: David W. Walker; Louise Cavalcante; Sarra Kchouk; Germano G. Ribeiro Neto; Art Dewulf; Rubens S. Gondim; Eduardo S. Passos Rodrigues Martins; Lieke A. Melsen; Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho; Noemi Vergopolan et al.
Source: check_circle

Accounting for spatiotemporal complexities of drought in water accounting to inform integrated drought management

2022-03-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; Louise Cavalcante; Lieke Melsen; David Walker; Rubens Sonsol Gondim; Pieter van Oel
Source: check_circle

Flash droughts: bridging the understanding between physical definitions and societal impacts

2022-03-28 | Preprint
Contributors: David W. Walker; Noemi Vergopolan; Louise Cavalcante; André Almagro; Tushar Apurv; Daniel G. Kingston; Tirthankar Roy; Kelly Helm Smith; Niko Wanders
Source: check_circle

Polycentric governance and scale challenges in water management in the semi-arid river basin of Banabuiú, Ceará, Brazil

2022-03-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Esmee van de Ridder; Louise Cavalcante; Pieter van Oel; Art Dewulf; Sarra Kchouk; Germano Ribeiro Neto; David Walker; Eduardo Martins
Source: check_circle

Role of water infrastructure programs for family farmers in strengthening adaptive capacities to climate change: lessons from the Cisterns Program in Semi-arid Brazil

Sustainability in Debate
2021-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Patrícia dos Santos Mesquita; Louise Cavalcante
Source: check_circle

Lessons learned from the impacts of climate change on a water infrastructure programme in the Brazilian semiarid

2021-09-10 | Online resource
Source: Self-asserted source

Impacts of the Fomento Programme on family farmers in the Cerrado biome and its relevance to climate change: preliminary findings

2021-06-09 | Online resource
Source: Self-asserted source

O papel dos burocratas de nível da rua na implementação de políticas intersetoriais: articulação dos programas sociais e de acesso à água no Semiárido brasileiro

2021-05-28 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1958-9212
Source: Self-asserted source

A multiple streams analysis of drought policies in Ceará state, Brazil

Source: Self-asserted source
Preferred source (of 2)‎


Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente
2020-12-17 | Journal issue
Part of ISSN: 2176-9109
Part of ISSN: 1518-952X
Source: Self-asserted source

Importância dos programas voltados aos agricultores familiares nos períodos de seca e frente à necessidade de adaptação às mudanças climáticas no Semiárido brasileiro

Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente
2020-12-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Patricia Dos Santos Mesquita; Louise Cavalcante; Carolina Milhorance; Daniela Nogueira; Nadine Andrieu
Source: check_circle

Impacts of the Fomento Program on Family Farmers in the Brazilian Semi-Arid and its relevance to climate change: a case study in the region of Sub medio São Francisco

Sustentabilidade em Debate
2020-04-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2179-9067
Part of ISSN: 2177-7675
Source: Self-asserted source

Cost to restore and conserve urban forest fragment

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
2019-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1618-8667
Source: Self-asserted source

Trabalhar na interface: coprodução de conhecimento entre cientistas e gestores públicos na saúde ambiental. O programa Vigiagua como estudo de caso em Santarém/PA

2019-11-29 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1958-9212
Source: Self-asserted source

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for International journal of disaster risk reduction. (1)