Personal information


Education and qualifications (2)

Iowa State University: Ames, Iowa, US

2017-08-01 to present | PhD (BMS)
Source: Self-asserted source
Timothy Nessel

Cornell University: Ithaca, New York, US

2010-08-01 to 2013-12-01 | BS (Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Timothy Nessel

Works (4)

EXP1 is required for organisation of EXP2 in the intraerythrocytic malaria parasite vacuole

Cellular Microbiology
2020-05-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Timothy Nessel; John M. Beck; Shima Rayatpisheh; Yasaman Jami‐Alahmadi; James A. Wohlschlegel; Daniel E. Goldberg; Josh R. Beck
Source: check_circle

Erratum: Geospatial Resolution of Human and Bacterial Diversity with City-Scale Metagenomics (Cell Systems (2015) 1 (72-87) )

Cell Systems
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Afshinnekoo, E.; Meydan, C.; Chowdhury, S.; Jaroudi, D.; Boyer, C.; Bernstein, N.; Maritz, J.M.; Reeves, D.; Gandara, J.; Chhangawala, S. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Timothy Nessel via Scopus - Elsevier

Geospatial Resolution of Human and Bacterial Diversity with City-Scale Metagenomics

Cell Systems
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Afshinnekoo, E.; Meydan, C.; Chowdhury, S.; Jaroudi, D.; Boyer, C.; Bernstein, N.; Maritz, J.M.; Reeves, D.; Gandara, J.; Chhangawala, S. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Timothy Nessel via Scopus - Elsevier

Modern Methods for Delineating Metagenomic Complexity

Cell Systems
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Afshinnekoo, E.; Meydan, C.; Chowdhury, S.; Jaroudi, D.; Boyer, C.; Bernstein, N.; Maritz, J.M.; Reeves, D.; Gandara, J.; Chhangawala, S. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Timothy Nessel via Scopus - Elsevier