Personal information



Now: Postdoctoral scientist and model expert user of the HD(CP)2 ICON-LEM physics and the model setup.
Before: PhD with Johannes Quaas on statistical cloud parameterizations in GCM (HD(CP)2 first phase).
Research interests: Cloud physics and their parameterization in general circulation models (ECHAM6, ICON)


Employment (3)

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie: Hamburg, Hamburg, DE

2016-06 to present | Postdoctoral Scientist (The Atmosphere in the Earth System)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthias Brueck

Universität Leipzig: Leipzig, DE

2013-03 to 2016-05 (Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences - Institute for Meteorology )
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthias Brueck

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie: Hamburg, DE

2011 to 2013 (The Atmosphere in the Earth System)
Source: Self-asserted source
Matthias Brueck

Works (5)

Assessing the scales in numerical weather and climate predictions: will exascale be the rescue?

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
2019-04-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Philipp Neumann; Peter Düben; Panagiotis Adamidis; Peter Bauer; Matthias Brück; Luis Kornblueh; Daniel Klocke; Bjorn Stevens; Nils Wedi; Joachim Biercamp
Source: check_circle

An automated cirrus classification

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2018-05-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Edward Gryspeerdt; Johannes Quaas; Tom Goren; Daniel Klocke; Matthias Brueck
Source: check_circle

Technical note: An automated cirrus classification

2017-08-21 | Preprint
Contributors: Edward Gryspeerdt; Johannes Quaas; Tom Goren; Daniel Klocke; Matthias Brueck
Source: check_circle

The HD(CP)2 Observational Prototype Experiment (HOPE) – an overview

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2017-04-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Andreas Macke; Patric Seifert; Holger Baars; Christian Barthlott; Christoph Beekmans; Andreas Behrendt; Birger Bohn; Matthias Brueck; Johannes Bühl; Susanne Crewell et al.
Source: check_circle

See google scholar

Source: Self-asserted source
Matthias Brueck