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Full Professor in Aerospace Structures at the School of Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Rome La Sapienza.
1989 Laurea Degree in Aeronautical Engineering at University of Rome “La Sapienza”
1989 National license to practice engineering
1992 PhD in Aerospace Engineering
1993-1996 System Engineer at Alenia Space
1996-2004 Assistant Professor in Aerospace Structures at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
1997 Visiting Professor at the Deutschen Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) (Germany)
2005 Associate Professor in Design of Aerospace Structures at “La Sapienza”.
2011 Visiting Professor at UNISINOS, Applied Mathematics Department, Brazil
2015 Visiting Professor ITA, Istituto Tecnòlogico de Aeronatica, Brazil
Past activites
Before joining the University of Rome, Dr. Paolo Gasbarri was a Research Fellow in Alenia Spazio (now Thales Alenia Space), one of the leading Italian aerospace industries where he was involved in several research areas concerning Space Technology:
1) Design and Analysis of Space Systems;
2) Attitude Control Design;
3) Aerothermodynamics Analysis of Space Reentry Vehicles;
4) Vibration control of Space Structures.
The research activities carried out by Paolo Gasbarri deal with two basic themes:
- Composite structures and aeroelastic optimization of composite wings
- Dynamic behavior of the structures in space environment, and multi-body dynamics
Since 1996 Paolo Gasbarri has carried out many researches in collaboration with aerospace industries and Italian research centers and he was the Coordinator and PI of several national and university research projects on space structures, aeroelasticity of composite wings, structural optimizations, adaptive vibration control, aeroelasticity and robotic spacecraft guidance navigation and control space systems. Consultant for FIAT AVIO in the Italian launcher development “VEGA” (2001). Consultant for the Italian Ministry of Defense for the on orbit tests on the attitude of SICRAL I (2002).
Research Programs Coordination
Paolo Gasbarri coordinates several research programs funded by Italian Ministry of Research, University of Roma La Sapienza, Italian Space Agency and European Space Agency
In the last years Paolo Gasbarri was the coordinator of the following programs:
1. Guidance, navigation and control of space manipulator, granted by the Italian Ministry of Research;
2. New Design Methodologies to Control Very Large Space Flexible Structures. In cooperation with Thales Alenia Space (IT), ONERA (FR), ESA, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (IT) granted by the European Space Agency;
3. Use of multibody approach for space and terrestrial applications, granted by ESA;
4. Active Debris Removal by Means Robotic Arms", granted by ASTRIUM (Airbus Defence and Space);
5. MAC approach for mode shape re-ordering in DCAP, granted by ESA
6. Advanced collocated active control of large antennas structures, granted by ESA
Paolo Gasbarri has carried out several teaching activities first as an assistant professor and then as associate professor in many courses connected to aerospace structures held in “La Sapienza”. He has taught in undergraduate courses of Aerospace Engineering and in graduate courses in Space Engineering. For more than 15 years he was professor in the Course of Design of Aerospace Structures, in the course of Multi-body Structures for Space Applications at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering and also lecturer in the PhD course in Aerospace and Aeronautics Technology at “La Sapienza”. Currently he is full professor at the School of Aerospace Engineering at La Sapienza teaching the courses of Space Debris, Dynamics and Control of space structures and Modelling of Flexible Space Launchers.
International Organizations
1996-2014 Member of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (A.I.D.A.A)
2000-2005 Italian representative at the Structures and Material Panel of the NATO Research Technology Agency (RTO)
2003 Member of the Material and Structures Committee of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
2003 Member of the International Organizing Committee of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
2006 Corresponding Member of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA)
2007-2022 Chair of the Material and Structures Committee of IAF
2008 Full Member of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA).
2009-Present Member of the Technical Committee of the IAF
2012-Present Member of the board of A.I.D.A.A
2017-2023 Leader Member of the Commission 4 ( Space Systems Operations & Utilization) International Astronautical Academy (IAA).
2024-Present Chair of the Commission 4 of IAA