Personal information
He is a lawyer and has a PhD in Politics and Constitutional Studies at University of Alicante (Spain), where he was a researcher at the "Lucentino Observatory of Comparative Politics"; His research (thesis) was about Water Management at the Ecuadorian local governments.
He has postgraduate studies in constitutional law, and Master's degrees in International Human Rights (University of Alcalá - Spain), and another in Public Management (University of Alicante - Spain).
Martínez Moscoso has been General Secretary and Assistant Director at Public Company of water and wastewater utilities in Cuenca- Ecuador, during 2009-2011 (Cuenca is the third city of the country, it has 500 000 inhabitants, Cuenca is UNESCO World Heritage Site, and World Environment Biosphere Reserve). He has been professor and researcher since 2007 at University of Azuay and University of Cuenca. He is full professor at Colegio de Jurisprudencia, Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
He had several publications about water management and local governments in indexed journals, and peer review journals.
Currently, He is the Director of Research Legal Institute of Colegio de Jurisprudencia, Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (4)
Works (18)