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United Kingdom


I am originally from the county of Dorset on the south coast of England but moved to Wales to study for my honours degree in Equine Science at Aberystwyth University. For my dissertation project, I collaborated with a veterinary surgery specialising in equine AI and embryo transfer. Here, I compiled an extensive meta-dataset from breeding records to determine the factors associated with multiple ovulation and potential twin foetus in Thoroughbred mares.

My post graduate MSc research utilised a range of molecular methods to characterise Ciliate protozoa from the hindgut of the horse. I used laser dissection to isolate single cells and sequencing of 18S rRNA gene amplicons to produce a molecular phylogeny.

In 2011, I completed my PhD studentship, which was funded by the new Institute of Biological Environmental and Rural Science (IBERS). The project built on my previous work by characterising the total eukaryotic microbial community of the equine hindgut. This was carried out sequencing 18S rRNA gene amplicons for microbial community analysis and the metatranscriptome for functional activity. Screening eukaryotic cDNA from the metatranscriptome revealed some novel glycoside hydrolases. This demonstrated both the ability of ciliates to degrade structural carbohydrates and the possibility of lateral gene transfer from Bacteria.

In 2012, I moved to the Rowett Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland to work as a post doctoral researcher on a number of projects. The first,as part of the European Commission FP7 project 'RuminOmics', was to develop metaproteomics methodologies to characterise rumen microbial function. I was also involved with a BBSRC funded project investigating the aetiology of sub-acute ruminal acidosis in beef cattle (SARA). Most recently, I was part of a RESAS Scottish Government funded project using molecular methods to explore the composition and function of the ruminal microbiome under different dietary and management conditions. This involved a collaboration agreement with Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) and the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh.

I was recently awarded an honorary fellowship at the University of Aberdeen. However, I am currently based at Harper Adams University in Shropshire where I am continuing work exploring the relationship of the rumen microbial community in dairy cows with aspects of livestock management practice, production, welfare and environmental impact.