Personal information


Dr Angela Cruz is Associate Professor in Marketing at Monash University (Caulfield, Melbourne) and holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Auckland. Angela's research is focused on theories of consumption, marketing communication, and branding at the boundaries of markets – referring to liminal market spaces where complexities, ambivalences, and transformations abound. This encompasses:

1. Cultural boundaries – the boundary between mobility and settlement, and between East and West
2. Technological boundaries – the boundary between human and machine, and between virtuality and reality
3. Conceptual boundaries – the boundary between consumer culture theory and other marketing domains

Angela frequently draws on cross-disciplinary, critical, and poststructuralist modes of theorising in line with the consumer culture theory (CCT) paradigm. Angela is experienced in a range of qualitative methodologies including hermeneutic analysis, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, visual projective techniques, and ZMET.


Employment (4)

Monash University: Melbourne, AU

2024-07-01 to present | Associate Professor (Marketing)
Source: Self-asserted source
Angela Gracia B. Cruz

Monash University - Caulfield Campus: Caulfield East, VIC, AU

2018-01 to 2024-06-30 | Senior Lecturer (Marketing)
Source: Self-asserted source
Angela Gracia B. Cruz

Monash University - Caulfield Campus: Caulfield East, VIC, AU

2015-07 to 2017-12 | Lecturer (Marketing)
Source: Self-asserted source
Angela Gracia B. Cruz

The University of Auckland: Auckland, NZ

2014-07 to 2015-06 | Lecturer (Marketing)
Source: Self-asserted source
Angela Gracia B. Cruz