Personal information

No personal information available


Employment (3)

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2018-10-01 to present | Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow (Department of Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Claire Le Gall

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2011-11-01 to present | Research Associate (Department of Physics, Cambridge)
Source: Self-asserted source
Claire Le Gall

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB

2011-09-26 to 2011-10-31 | Research Assistant (Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory)
Source: Self-asserted source
Claire Le Gall

Education and qualifications (3)

Université Grenoble Alpes: Saint-Martin-d'Heres, Rhône-Alpes, FR

2008-09-01 to 2011-08-31 | PhD Thesis _ Docteur Specialité Nanophysique (Ecole doctorale de Physique)
Source: Self-asserted source
Claire Le Gall

École Normale Supérieure de Cachan: Cachan, Île-de-France, FR

2004-09-01 to 2008-09-01 | Undergraduate degree, Physics
Source: Self-asserted source
Claire Le Gall

Université Grenoble Alpes: Saint-Martin-d'Heres, Rhône-Alpes, FR

2007-09-01 to 2008-08-01 | Master Degree in Physics_"PMCR" recently renamed "Parcours Matiere Quantique"
Source: Self-asserted source
Claire Le Gall

Peer review (4 reviews for 4 publications/grants)

Review activity for Nature (1)
Review activity for Nature communications (1)
Review activity for Nature nanotechnology (1)
Review activity for npj quantum information. (1)