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Employment (2)

Georgia State University: Atlanta, GA, US

2019-10-13 to present | Visiting Professor (Robinson College of Business)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jian-Jun Wang

Dalian University of Technology: Dalian, Liaoning, CN

2007-01 to present | Professor (School of Economics and Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jian-Jun Wang

Education and qualifications (1)

Dalian University of Technology: Dalian, Liaoning, CN

2003-03 to 2006-10 | Ph.D (School of Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jian-Jun Wang

Works (50 of 91)

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Coordination schemes for resource reallocation and patient transfer in hospital alliance models

Decision Sciences
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhong‐Ping Li; Jasmine Chang; Jim Shi; Jian‐Jun Wang
Source: check_circle

Voice or text? The role of physician media choice on patient experience in online medical communities

Decision Sciences
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Anfei Xia; Sandun C. Perera; Muhammad U. Ahmed; Jianying Tang; Jian‐Jun Wang
Source: check_circle

The impact of social support chatbots on patients’ value co-creation behavior in online health communities: a moderated mediation model

Internet Research
2024-09-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Muhammad Salman Latif; Jian-Jun Wang; Mohsin Shahzad; Muhammad Mursil
Source: check_circle

Payment schemes for resource reallocation in hierarchical medical system: Fee-for-capacity versus performance payment

Computers & Industrial Engineering
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhong-Ping Li; Jian-Jun Wang; Lejing Yu
Source: check_circle

Sourcing Channel Decision in the Presence of Platform Encroachment with Quantity Competition

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
2024-07-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Qinjia Zhong; Jianjun Wang; Jiaqian Xie; Xiaofan Lai
Source: check_circle

Robust surgical scheduling for nonoperating room anesthesia (NORA) under surgical duration uncertainty

Decision Sciences
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian‐Jun Wang; Zongli Dai; Jasmine Chang; Jim (Junmin) Shi; Haiguan Liu
Source: check_circle

Do ethics drive value co-creation behavior in online health communities?

Information Technology & People
2024-01-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Muhammad Salman Latif; Jian-Jun Wang; Mohsin Shahzad
Source: check_circle

The moderating role of face on value co-creation behavior and co-creation attitude in online health communities

Aslib Journal of Information Management
2024-01-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Muhammad Salman Latif; Jian-Jun Wang
Source: check_circle

An iterative auction for resource-constrained surgical scheduling

Journal of the Operational Research Society
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Liu, Lu; Wang, Chun; Wang, Jian-Jun; Crespo, Antonio Marcio Ferreira
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Adopting a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system to optimize elective surgery scheduling

Computers & Operations Research
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Zongli Dai; Sandun C. Perera; Jian-Jun Wang
Source: check_circle

Distributed surgical scheduling across collaborating hospitals considering stochastic duration and emergency demand

Computers & Industrial Engineering
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Hongru Miao; Jian-Jun Wang
Source: check_circle

Hospital dual-channel adoption decisions with telemedicine referral and misdiagnosis

2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Xinmou Zhang; Jim Junmin Shi
Source: check_circle

Impact of a physician's prosocial behavior on the patient's choice: an empirical investigation in online health community

Information Technology & People
2023-05-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Huiyuan Liu; Xiaocong Cui; Jiao Ye; Haozhe Chen
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The impact of individual and team professional capital on physicians’ performance in online health-care communities: a cross-level investigation

Internet Research
2023-03-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Huiyuan Liu; Jiao Ye
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How does the hospital make a safe and stable elective surgery plan during COVID-19 pandemic?

Computers & Industrial Engineering
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Dai, Zongli; Wang, Jian-Jun; Shi, Jim (Junmin)
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Patients need emotional support: Managing physician disclosure information to attract more patients

International Journal of Medical Informatics
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Ouyang, Peng; Wang, Jian-Jun; Chang, Ai-Chih Jasmine
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Outward FDI and productivity spillovers in China: an industrial perspective

International Journal of Emerging Markets
2022-11-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Usman Ali; Yanxi Li; Jian-Jun Wang; Zhen Chen
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Physician's online image and patient's choice in the online health community

Internet Research
2022-11-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Peng Ouyang; Jian-Jun Wang
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The impact of gamification on the patient's engagement in the online health community

Aslib Journal of Information Management
2022-09-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Peng Ouyang; Jian-Jun Wang; Usman Ali
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Surgical scheduling by Fuzzy model considering inpatient beds shortage under uncertain surgery durations

Annals of Operations Research
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Zongli Dai; Ai-Chih Chang; Jim Junmin Shi
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Coordination of a supply chain with Nash bargaining fairness concerns

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
2022-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhong-Ping Li; Jian-Jun Wang; Sandun Perera; Jim (Junmin) Shi
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Dynamics of outward FDI and productivity spillovers in logistics services industry: Evidence from China

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Ali, Usman; Li, Yanxi; Wang, Jian-Jun; Yue, Xiaohang; Chang, Ai-Chih (jasmine)
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Effects of healthcare quality and reimbursement rate in a hospital association

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Li, Zhong-Ping; Wang, Jian-Jun
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Hospital referral and capacity strategies in the two-tier healthcare systems

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Jian-Jun; Li, Zhong-Ping; Shi, Jim (Junmin); Chang, Ai-Chih (jasmine)
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Solution Algorithms for Single-Machine Group Scheduling with Learning Effect and Convex Resource Allocation

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Wanlei; Wang, Jian-Jun; Wang, Ji-Bo
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Scheduling elective and emergency surgeries at shared operating rooms with emergency uncertainty and waiting time limit

Computers & Industrial Engineering
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Hongru Miao; Jian-Jun Wang
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Surgical rescheduling problem with emergency patients considering participants’ dissatisfaction

Soft Computing
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Hongru Miao; Ran Xu
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Capacity reallocation via sinking high-quality resource in a hierarchical healthcare system

Annals of Operations Research
2021-05-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhong-Ping Li; Jian-Jun Wang; Ai-Chih Chang; Jim Shi
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How to enhance solvers' continuance intention in crowdsourcing contest The role of interactivity and fairness perception

Online Information Review
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Meng-Meng; Wang, Jian-Jun; Zhang, Wan-Ning
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Scheduling with a position-weighted learning effect and job release dates

Engineering Optimization
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Ji-Bo; Gao, Ming; Wang, Jian-Jun; Liu, Lu; He, Hongyu
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The influence of PRINCE2 standard on customer satisfaction in information technology outsourcing: an investigation of a mediated moderation model

Journal of Enterprise Information Management
2020-06-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Negin Sasanipoor; Meng-Meng Wang
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Information Sharing in a Supply Chain With a Coopetitive Contract Manufacturer

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
2020-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Jingyi Dong; Xiaohang Yue; Qinjia Zhong
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Foreign direct investment flows and domestic investment in China: A multivariate time series analysis

Investment Analysts Journal
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Ali, Usman; Wang, Jian-Jun; Morales, Veronica Patricia Yanez; Wang, Meng-Meng
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Research on m-machine flow shop scheduling with truncated learning effects

International Transactions in Operational Research
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Ji-Bo; Liu, Feng; Wang, Jian-Jun
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Understanding Solvers' Continuance Intention in Crowdsourcing Contest Platform: An Extension of Expectation-Confirmation Model

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Meng-Meng; Wang, Jian-Jun
Source: check_circle
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How vendor capabilities impact IT outsourcing performance

Journal of Enterprise Information Management
2019-04-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Meng-Meng Wang; Jian-Jun Wang
Source: check_circle
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A combinatorial auction mechanism for surgical scheduling considering surgeon’s private availability information

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
2019-01-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Lu Liu; Chun Wang; Jianjun Wang
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Does Outbound Foreign Direct Investment Crowd Out Domestic Investment in China? Evidence from Time Series Analysis

Global Economic Review
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Ali, Usman; Wang, Jian-Jun
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How intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives affect task effort in crowdsourcing contests: A mediated moderation model

Computers in Human Behavior
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Liang, Huigang; Wang, Meng -Meng; Wang, Jian-Jun; Xue, Yajiong
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How PMBOK standard and partnership quality influence IT outsourcing success: An investigation of the mediated moderation effects

Journal of Global Information Technology Management
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Jian-Jun; Sasanipoor, Negin; Wang, Meng-Meng
Source: check_circle
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Makespan minimization scheduling with ready times, group technology and shortening job processing times

The Computer Journal
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Ji-Bo; Liu, Lu; Wang, Jian-Jun; Li, Lin
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No-wait two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling problem with learning effect, common due date and controllable job processing times

International Journal of Production Research
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Gao, Fu; Liu, Mengqi; Wang, Jian-Jun; Lu, Yuan-Yuan
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Journal of Business Economics and Management
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Ali, Usman; Shan, Wei; Wang, Jian-Jun; Amin, Azka
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Parallel machines scheduling based on the impact of deteriorating maintenance

Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Li, Xin-Jun; Wang, Jian-Jun
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Scheduling jobs with deterioration effect and controllable processing time

Neural Computing and Applications
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Li, Lin; Wang, Jian-Jun
Source: check_circle
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Single Machine CON/SLK Due Date Assignment Scheduling with Controllable Processing Time and Job-dependent Learning Effects

The Computer Journal
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Ji-Bo; Geng, Xin-Na; Liu, Lu; Wang, Jian-Jun; Lu, Yuan-Yuan
Source: check_circle
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Understanding the effects of eWOM social ties on purchase intentions: A moderated mediation investigation

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Jian-Jun Wang; Ling-Yu Wang; Meng-Meng Wang
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A bibliometric analysis of reverse logistics research (1992-2015) and opportunities for future research

International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Wang, Jian-Jun; Chen, Haozhe; Rogers, Dale S.; Ellram, Lisa M.; Grawe, Scott J.
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A scenario-based robust optimization approach for surgeries scheduling with a single specialised human resource server

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Liu, Chunlai; Wang, Jianjun; Liu, Mei
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Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Liu, Chunlai; Fan, Yanpeng; Zhao, Chuanli; Wang, Jianjun
Source: check_circle
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Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for International journal of flexible manufacturing systems. (1)