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Dr. Milica Pešić
Principal Research Fellow
Date of birth: 14th of May, 1971
Place: Belgrade, Serbia
Citizenship: Serbian
Dr. Milica Pešić manages a project financed by the IDEJE program of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, numbered 7739737. The project is titled "TargetedResponse - Functional diagnostics in non-small cell lung carcinoma – a new concept for the improvement of personalized therapy in Serbian patients". Additionally, Dr. Pešić is managing the Department of Neurobiology at the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković," with institutional funding (NITRA 451-03-47/2023-01/ 200007).
Dr. Pešić has also been involved in several other projects, including integral and interdisciplinary research III41031, "Identification of Predictive Molecular Markers for Cancer Progression, Response to Therapy and Disease Outcome", from 2011 to 2019. She also managed the collaborative project of the European Commission ERA.Net RUS+ trilateral cooperation with Latvia and Russia THIOREDIN from 2018 to 2020 on behalf of Serbia. Dr. Pešić managed the project task "Mechanisms involved in the development of therapy resistance in glioma" in the international project "Therapy optimization in glioblastoma: An integrative human-data based approach using mathematical models" from 2016 to 2019 led by Prof. Víctor M. Perez García.
In addition, Dr Pešić was a member of the Core Group for the action "Challenging organic syntheses inspired by nature – from natural products chemistry to drug discovery" COST Action CM1407 from 2015 to 2019. She also led the working group WG3 in the same action. Dr Pešić participated as the second proposer in preparing the application for action CA17104 – STRATAGEM and was a management board member during its implementation. She was appointed as the STSM coordinator at the beginning of this action and, later, as Grant Awarding Coordinator after the changes in the rules within COST. Dr. Pešić played a key role in creating the "COST Innovator Grant - IG17104 Pan-European Educational Platform on Multidrug Resistant Tumours and Personalized Cancer Treatment". She serves as the Grant Awarding Coordinator for this innovation grant.
Dr. Pešić is an active member of various organizing committees for both international and national conferences and workshops. She has been serving as an editor and reviewer for numerous international journals and projects and as a foreign evaluator for international European doctoral dissertations. Furthermore, he holds the position of vice president at the Serbian Association of Cancer Research. Additionally, she is a member of the Board of Directors at the Institute for Medical Research, an institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia which is affiliated with the University of Belgrade. In the past, she has also served as a member of the Council for Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Studies at the University of Belgrade.
Dr Pešić supervised the preparation of three doctoral theses in the field of multiple resistance in solid tumors. The doctoral candidates are Ana Podolski-Renić, PhD (dissertation defended in 2013), Mirjana Dačević, PhD (dissertation defended in 2013), and Sonja Stojković Burić, PhD (dissertation defended in 2017).
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