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Employment (1)

Florida International University: Miami, US

2023-08-12 to present | Clinical Assistant Professor (Physical Therapy )
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Works (17)

The influence of patient gender on exercise prescription in ACL reconstruction rehabilitation

Physical Therapy in Sport
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Lauren Butler; Ashley Erdman; Elliot Greenberg; Joseph Janosky; Matthew Bailey; Alexa Martinez; Gregory D. Myer; Sophia Ulman
Source: check_circle

The reliability of a two-plane qualitative assessment tool for a single leg HOP task amongst multidisciplanary sports medicine practitioners

Physical Therapy in Sport
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Lauren Butler; Ashley Erdman; Alexa Martinez; Dai Sugimoto; Joseph Janosky; Sophia Ulman
Source: check_circle

Qualitative and quantitative return-to-sport test battery and second anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors

BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Lauren Butler; Alexa Martinez; Mina Entessari; Gabriel Cardenas; Margaret Wright; Dai Sugimoto
Source: check_circle

Comparison of physical therapy utilization, timing of return-to-sport test completion, and hop test performance by age and between sexes in youth athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Physical Therapy in Sport
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Lauren Butler; Elliot Greenberg; Nicholas Giampetruzzi; Meredith Link; Victor Prati; Adam Weaver; Michael Saper
Source: check_circle

Relationship of Knee Abduction Moment to Trunk and Lower Extremity Segment Acceleration during Sport-Specific Movements

2024-02-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Mitchell Ekdahl; Sophia Ulman; Lauren Butler
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Concurrent Validity of The Expanded Cutting Alignment Scoring Tool (E-CAST).

International journal of sports physical therapy
2023-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Butler L; Martinez A; Erdman A; Sugimoto D; Loewen A; Milian E; Wyatt C; Hayden K; DeVerna A; Tulchin-Francis K et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Highly Active Middle School Athletes Demonstrate Poor Motor Skill Proficiency.

Sports health
2023-06-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Butler LS; Sugimoto D; Erdman A; Yoder J; Greiner K; Larroque C; Latz K; Loewen A; Wyatt CW; DeVerna A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

No Difference in Two-Dimensional Kinematic Assessment of a 45-Degree Sidestep Cut Compared to Qualitative Assessment.

International journal of sports physical therapy
2023-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Butler L; Wyatt C; Martinez A; Erdman A; Milian E; Sugimoto D; Loewen A; Fernandez J; Hayden K; DeVerna A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Injuries: Risk Factors and Preventive Strategies.

Clinics in sports medicine
2022-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Butler LS; Janosky JJ; Sugimoto D
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Differences in the course of rehabilitation and outcomes for publicly insured pediatric patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine
2022-09-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Elliot Greenberg; Butler L; Nicholas Giampetruzzi; Link M; Prati V; Adam Weaver; Saper M
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Concurrent Validity of Movement Screening Criteria Designed to Identify Injury Risk Factors in Adolescent Female Volleyball Players.

Frontiers in sports and active living
2022-06-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Ulman S; Erdman A; Loewen A; Dressing M; Wyatt C; Oliver G; Butler L; Sugimoto D; Black AM; Janosky J
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Apples to Oranges: Inconsistencies in Defining and Classifying Youth Sport Populations.

Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine
2022-05-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Butler L; DiSanti JS; Sugimoto D; Hines DM; Del Bel MJ; Oliver GD
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Reliability of the Expanded Cutting Alignment Scoring Tool (E-CAST) to Assess Trunk and Limb Alignment During a 45-Degree Side-Step Cut.

International journal of sports physical therapy
2022-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Butler LS; Martinez AR; Sugimoto D; Wyatt CW; Milian EK; Ulman S; Erdman A; Loewen A; Hayden K; DeVerna A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Physical Literacy in Elementary Physical Education: A Survey of Fundamental Movement Skill Practice Patterns

Pediatric Physical Therapy
2022-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0898-5669
Contributors: Lauren S. Butler; Apeksha Gupta; Amie DeVerna; James G. Moore; Kevin Latz; Cassidy M Foley Davelaar; Daria Salyakina; Dai Sugimoto
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

The Evolution of Telehealth From Pre-COVID-19 Pandemic Through A Hybrid Virtual Care Delivery Model: A Pediatric Hospital’s Journey

International Journal of Telerehabilitation
2021-12-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1945-2020
Contributors: Evelyn Abrahante Terrell; Saima Aftab; Anne Babitz; Lauren Butler; Nicole Gondar Hernandez; Bianca Hornik; Keysla Lee; Jennifer Perez; Elizabeth Sotolongo; Jessica Thomas
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Reliability of the Cutting Alignment Scoring Tool (CAST) to Assess Trunk and Limb Alignment During a 45-Degree Side-Step Cut.

International journal of sports physical therapy
2021-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Butler LS; Milian EK; DeVerna A; Latz K; Ellis HB; Martinez AR; Hayden K; Gerstenkorn C; Carpenito SC; Wyatt CW et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler

Concurrent Validity of Depth-Sensing Cameras for Noncontact ACL Injury Screening During Side-Cut Maneuvers in Adolescent Athletes: A Preliminary Study.

Journal of applied biomechanics
2018-12-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Eltoukhy M; Christopher Kuenze; Jeonghoon Oh; Apanovitch E; Butler L; Signorile JF
Source: Self-asserted source
Lauren Butler