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Works (13)

Changes caused by human activities in the high health-risk hot-dry and hot-wet events in China

Communications Earth & Environment
2024-08-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Haoxin Yao; Liang Zhao; Yiling He; Wei Dong; Xinyong Shen; Jingsong Wang; Yamin Hu; Jian Ling; Ziniu Xiao; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Heat exposure induced risks of preterm birth mediated by maternal hypertension

Nature Medicine
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Liyun Wang; Jiangli Di; Qiong Wang; Huanhuan Zhang; Wei Zhao; Xiaoming Shi; Qian Di; John S. Ji; Wannian Liang; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Risk factors associated with heatwave mortality in Chinese adults over 65 years

Nature Medicine
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Di Xi; Linxin Liu; Min Zhang; Cunrui Huang; Katrin G. Burkart; Kristie Ebi; Yi Zeng; John S. Ji
Source: check_circle

Opposite Changes Caused by Human Activities in the Occurrence of High Health-Risk Compound Hot-Dry and Hot-Wet Events in China

2024-04-19 | Preprint
Contributors: Liang Zhao; Haoxin Yao; Yiling He; Wei Dong; xinyong shen; Jingsong Wang; Yamin Hu; Jian Ling; Zi-niu Xiao; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Particulate matter exposure increases the risk of reduction in human fecundity in South Asia

2023-02-24 | Preprint
Contributors: Huailin Wang; Zhenghong Zhu; Tarik Benmarhnia; Bin Jalaludin; Xin Chen; Maimaitiminjiang Wulayin; Cunrui Huang; Tuantuan Zhang; Lianlian Xu; Qiong Wang
Source: check_circle

The burden of heatwave-related preterm births and associated human capital losses in China

Nature Communications
2022-12-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Yali Zhang; Shakoor Hajat; Liang Zhao; Huiqi Chen; Liangliang Cheng; Meng Ren; Kuiying Gu; John S. Ji; Wannian Liang; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Ambient air pollution and gestational diabetes mellitus: A review of evidence from biological mechanisms to population epidemiology

Science of The Total Environment
2020-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Huanhuan Zhang; Qiong Wang; Simin He; Kaipu Wu; Meng Ren; Haotian Dong; Jiangli Di; Zengli Yu; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Geographical disparities in the impacts of heat on diabetes mortality and the protective role of greenness in Thailand: A nationwide case-crossover analysis

Science of The Total Environment
2020-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Yiling He; Liangliang Cheng; Junzhe Bao; Shizhou Deng; Wenmin Liao; Qiong Wang; Benjawan Tawatsupa; Shakoor Hajat; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Individual- and community-level shifts in mortality patterns during the January 2016 East Asia cold wave associated with a super El Niño event: Empirical evidence in Hong Kong

Science of The Total Environment
2020-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Hung Chak Ho; Ta-Chien Chan; Zhiwei Xu; Cunrui Huang; Changchang Li
Source: check_circle

Planned sheltering as an adaptation strategy to climate change: Lessons learned from the severe flooding in Anhui Province of China in 2016

Science of The Total Environment
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Jiabing Wu; Cunrui Huang; Minghui Pang; Zhe Wang; Lianping Yang; Gerard FitzGerald; Shuang Zhong
Source: check_circle

Short-term effects of real-time personal PM2.5 exposure on ambulatory blood pressure: A panel study in young adults

Science of The Total Environment
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Meng Ren; Huanhuan Zhang; Tarik Benmarhnia; Bin Jalaludin; Haotian Dong; Kaipu Wu; Qiong Wang; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Short-term effects of moderate and severe floods on infectious diarrheal diseases in Anhui Province, China

Science of The Total Environment
2019-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Lei Gong; Sai Hou; Bin Su; Kaichao Miao; Na Zhang; Wenmin Liao; Shuang Zhong; Zhe Wang; Lianping Yang; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Effects of ambient temperature on bacillary dysentery: A multi-city analysis in Anhui Province, China

Science of The Total Environment
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Yanbin Hao; Wenmin Liao; Wanwan Ma; Jin Zhang; Na Zhang; Shuang Zhong; Zhe Wang; Lianping Yang; Cunrui Huang
Source: check_circle

Peer review (7 reviews for 4 publications/grants)

Review activity for Chemosphere. (1)
Review activity for Environmental research. (1)
Review activity for Nature climate change (1)
Review activity for Nature medicine. (4)