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Dr Georgios Kioumourtzis (male) graduated from the Hellenic Military Academy as a Signal Officer in 1986 and extended his studies in the Telecommunications School for Signal Officers (1996) and the Hellenic Defence College (2002). In 2005 he received two Masters’ Degrees, one in Computer Science (track computer networks) and the second in Systems Engineering (track computer security) from the Naval Postgraduate School CA, USA. In 2010 he completed his Ph.D. in the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of Patras University (Greece). His key professional experience includes the direction of the SFOR NATO led Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) & Electronic Warfare (EW) section in Bosnia & Herzegovina (2003), the Research Branch of the Hellenic Army General Staff/Signals Directorate (2005), the direction of the Coordination and Plans Branch (PCB) of the CIS Division at the JFC Naples (2006) and the direction of Bilateral and NATO cooperation section at the Hellenic Army General Staff/Special Forces Directorate (2010). George has been as an assisting researcher at the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”/Research Unit 6 for five years. He has published more than forty research papers, journals, and book chapters. He is also the author of a book for multimedia data transmission over best-effort networks. From 2012-2018 (May) he has been a Research Associate at the Center for Security Studies - KEMEA of the Hellenic Ministry of Interior. George has been working (and has worked in the past) as a Researcher in various European-level funded projects (H2020, FP7, and DG HOME). His research interests include Smart Policing, cyber security and Protection of Critical Infrastructures (CIP).