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Works (5)

Diagnosis Related Payment for Inpatient Mental Health Care: Hospital Selection and Effects on Length of Stay

Health Economics
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Franziska Valder; Simon Reif; Harald Tauchmann
Source: check_circle

Weight Loss and Sexual Activity in Adult Obese Individuals: Establishing a Causal Link

Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
2023-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Harald Tauchmann; Ansgar Wübker
Source: check_circle

Consequences of early thyroid ultrasound on subsequent tests, morbidity and costs: an explorative analysis of routine health data from German ambulatory care

BMJ Open
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Susann Hueber; Valeria Biermann; Johanna Tomandl; Lisette Warkentin; Angela Schedlbauer; Harald Tauchmann; David Klemperer; Maria Lehmann; Ewan Donnachie; Thomas Kühlein
Source: check_circle

Short- and medium-term cost effects of non-indicated thyroid diagnostics: empirical evidence from German claims data

The European Journal of Health Economics
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Lucas Hafner; Valeria Biermann; Susann Hueber; Ewan Donnachie; Thomas Kühlein; Harald Tauchmann; Johanna Tomandl
Source: check_circle

In sickness and in health? Health shocks and relationship breakdown: Empirical evidence from Germany

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Christian Bünnings; Lucas Hafner; Simon Reif; Harald Tauchmann
Source: check_circle