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Stefano Parodi graduated cum laude in Biological Sciences at Genoa University in 1990 and specialized in Medical Statistics at the Pavia University in 1996.His research activity is mainly devoted to Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology, in particular the development and application of new methods of ROC analysis and supervised data mining for the identification of differently expressed genes in different pathological conditions, and the performance assessment of tumour markers for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Moreover, he has taking part in many investigations in Environmental Epidemiology, aimed at estimating cancer incidence, mortality and time trends both in adult and in children populations, and at identifying the associated risk factors. Stefano Parodi was contract professor in the course of Statistical Methods in Biomedicine II at the Genoa University, Undergraduate Degree in Statistics Mathematics and Data Management (SMID) in the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 academic years. In 2014 he obtained the national Italian qualification as associated professor for the scientific disciplinary sector 0/6 M1 (General and Applied Hygiene, Nursing Science and Medical Statistics). He is author/coauthor of more than 100 scientific publications with Impact Factor and of two books for the Nova Science publisher of New York.