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Works (5)

Seeing the Unseen: A Frequency Prompt Guided Transformer for Image Restoration

2025 | Book chapter
Contributors: Shihao Zhou; Jinshan Pan; Jinglei Shi; Duosheng Chen; Lishen Qu; Jufeng Yang
Source: check_circle

JSL3d: Joint subspace learning with implicit structure supervision for 3D pose estimation

Pattern Recognition
2022-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0031-3203
Contributors: Mengxi Jiang; shihao zhou; Cuihua Li; Yunqi Lei
Source: Self-asserted source
shihao zhou

Towards Locality Similarity Preserving to 3D Human Pose Estimation

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Shihao Zhou; Mengxi Jiang; Qicong Wang; Yunqi Lei
Source: check_circle

DC-GNet: Deep Mesh Relation Capturing Graph Convolution Network for 3D Human Shape Reconstruction

Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
2021-10-17 | Conference paper
Contributors: shihao zhou; Mengxi Jiang; Shanshan Cai; Yunqi Lei
Source: Self-asserted source
shihao zhou

DA-Net: Density-Adaptive Downsampling Network for Point Cloud Classification via End-to-End Learning

2021 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PRAI)
2021-08-20 | Conference paper
Contributors: Yanan Lin; Yan Huang; shihao zhou; Shihao Zhou; Mengxi Jiang; Tianlong Wang; Yunqi Lei
Source: Self-asserted source
shihao zhou
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