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Name: Mostafa Taleshi
Date of Birth: 2.03.1963
Nationality: Iranian

Current position: full Professor
Tel (Home): 009821Mobile: 00989128177477 (Iran)

Summary of experiences, skills and aims:

My education background has progressed in human geography subjects; specifically rural geography, unsustainability rural modelling, rural-urban relation and linkages, in formal settlements monitoringand integrated planning.

My academic interests fall in both teaching and research. I am keep to develop modules rural-urban relation and linkages.


PHD Degree (1997-2004): PhD degree inGeography and rural planning, the research Unsustainable of small mountainous Settlements, A Case Study of Aladagh Region North- Eastern Part of Iran, Geography Department, Faculty of Earth Science, Shahid Beheshti University, IRAN.

MSc Degree (1988-1990): MSc degree titled Geography and rural planningthe research “Researches and Rural planning by emphasis small dame;.Faculty of Human Resources, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

BSc Degree (1983-1987): BSc degree titled“Human Geography”, the course focused on Human Geography the research Human Geography in Aal rural settlement, Faculty of Human Resources, University of Mashhad, and Mashhad, Iran.

Employment History:

1. Nov.2011–Present (Full Professor, Geography Department, payamnoor university(pnu). Iran)

2. Nov. 2004 – Dec. 2011 (Assistant Professor Geography Department, Payamnoor University (pnu). Iran)

3. Sep. 1991 – Dec. 2004 (Lecturer Geography Department, payamnooruniversity (pnu). Iran)

Research interests

My research interests are concerned with the understanding, quantification and simulation of sustainable rural development in general and rural-urban relation and linkages in Iran.
1- Analysing the role of small town in regional planning system
2- The role of unsustainable rural settlement in creating informal settling in cities and regional metropolises.
3- Evaluation of rural settlement development system by applying quantitative patterns like Morris, Taxonomy, phase analysis, etc.
4- Unsustainability in small settlements and analysing the relationship between settlements in mountainous regions.
5- The role of rural settlements in sustainability of regional planning system


1- Rural planning in Iran, Iran Rural Development Publication, 2010.
2- The policy and Guidelines of sustainable development
3- Principles of regional planning, Payam Noor University 2010
4- Participatory planning, Payam Noor University, 2011

Journal Papers
1- Instability of small mountain settlements , Journal of Geography and Regional Development, No. 3 , 2005
2- Studying cultural-social factors effecting on the lack of integration of agricultural lands, scientific journals of Geography, Geographical Society of Iran , No. 16 & 17, 2008
3- Organizing urban land use in regional metropolises entrance, scientific journals of Geography , Geographical Society of Iran, No. 18 & 19 , 2008
4- Causes of discharge reduction of Gonabad plains’ Qanats and its socio - economic consequences, scientific journals of Geography, Geographical Society of Iran , No. 16 & 17 , 2008
5- Site selection of nomads development centres with resource mobilization approach in GIS, Journal of Applied Research in Geographical Sciences, Tarbiat Moallem University , No. 14 , Fall 2009
6- Assess the development of rural settlement, Journal of scientific- research Geography, Year VIII, No. 27, Winter 2010
7- Instability of rural settlements and future of marginalization in Khorasan Razavi Province, Quarterly of Geography Scientific – Research, Geographical Society of Iran, Year IX, No. 29, Summer 2011
8- Modelling of physical development in the city of Arak, the peak e Noor of Human Science, Payam Noor University, 2011
9- Measuring the capacity of rural tourism development model using SWOT analysis, case study Tarom, the peik e Noor of Human Science, Payam Noor University, 2011
10- Changes in the hierarchical order in Ardabil Province, Journal of Geography, Vol. 32 , Spring 2012
11- A study of informal housing in the cities of Tehran province using cluster analysis , Journal of Applied Research, Tarbiat Moallem University, No. 26 , Autumn
12- The analysis of housing programs in the last two decades in the city of Ardabil, Quarterly of Sakht Shahr, Year IX, No. 19 , Spring 2012
13- The application of quantities patterns of population spatial analysis in rural settlement planning , Journal of Rural Research, Year III , No. 4, Winter 2012
14- Housing renovation and transformation of in structural- functional of rural homes , Quarterly Journal of Geography, Geographical Society of Iran , Year XI , No. 38 , Summer 2013

Articles published in ISI and other international journals

1. Rural development in small mountainous settlements, Eotiezzi,J .C.marques (2007)ecosystems and sustainable Development VI, Published by W


Employment (1)

Payame Noor University: tehran, tehran, IR

1991-07-05 to present | professor (geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

Works (30)

The Effectiveness of Bam Earthquake Reconstruction Plan on the Physical Development of Rural Housing

Journal of Physical Development Planning
2022 | Journal issue or edition
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تحليل تطبيقي عوامل موثر بر امنين كالبدي فضايي مناطق 6،10 و 12 كلانشهر تهران با بهره گيري از روش هاي آراس و واسپاس

پژوهشنامه جغرافياي انتظامي
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تحليل عوامل موثر بر ناپايداري جمعيت سكونتگاه هاي روستايي (مورد مطالعه: استان كردستان)

روستا و توسعه
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

رويكرد عدم قطعيت در ارزيابي آسيب پذيري از زلزله در محيط سيستم اطلاعات جغرافيايي مورد مطالعه كلان شهر كرمانشاه

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

Annexation of rural settlements and empowerment of vulnerable urban neighborhoods (Case study: Se Qaleh and Mohammadabad settlements of Zabol city)

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

ارزیابی و تحلیل رضایت مندی روستاییان از عملکرد دهیاری در راستاي بازآرایی الگوي مديريت خدمات روستايي موردمطالعه: استان قزوین

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

نقش دولت در توانمندسازی جوامع روستایی مورد مطالعه : ناحیه کاشان در ایران مرکزی

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

نقش عوامل کالبدی– فضایی در امنیت فضای شهری

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

گونه شناسي، ارزيابي اثرات و پيامدهاي گردشگري خانه هاي دوم (مورد مطالعه: سكونتگاههاي روستايي غرب استان گلستان)

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

ارزيابي و سنجش پايداري گردشگري از ديدگاه مديران محلي

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

ارزيابي و سنجش پايداري گردشگري از ديدگاه مديران محلي مطالعة موردي: ناحيه اردبيل

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

بررسي ميزان گسترش محدوده فيز يكي روستاهاو عو امل مر تبط با

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

بررسي نقش تنوع معيشتي در تابآوري خانوارهاي روستايي حوزه آبخيز حبلهرود در مواجهه با خشكسالي

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تبيين عوامل موثر بنيادي بر تحولات كاربري اراضي با رويكرد بومشناسي سياسي

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تحليل آسيب پذيري ابعاد طبيعي، كالبدي، اجتماعي و اقتصادي كلان شهر كرمانشاه در برابر زلزله

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تحليل اثر جريانات فضايي در تحولات كالبدي - فضايي روستاهاي پيراشهري

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تحليل شبكه توليد شير با بهره گيري از رويكرد تحليل شبكه اي

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تحليل و سنجش تابآوري محيطي روستاهاي حوضه آبخيز گرگانرود در مواجهه با سيل

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

سنجش تاب آوري روستايي حوزه آبخيز حبله رود در شرايط خشكسالي

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

سياست تمركزگرايي و ناپايداري نظام سكونتگاهي در پيرامون كلانشهر تهران

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

State Investment and Empowerment of Local Communities, An Approach to Sustainable Rural Development (Experience of Kashan Rural Area in Central Iran)

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

The Collaboration of Tourism in Rural Sustainability (Case Study: Gelan Rural Region, Amol County)

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

ارزیابی و سنجش پایداري گردشگري از دیدگاه مدیران محلی )مطالعة موردي: ناحیه اردبیل(

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

بررسي و راهكارهاي حفاظت از مراتع با رويكرد مشاركتي

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

تحليل فضايي توسعه يافتگي مناطق روستايي با تأكيد بر نقش آفريني اشتغال زنان روستايي در شهرستان رامسر

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

ديناميزم هاي سازنده پروژه هاي بزرگ مقياس شهري با رويكرد اقتصادي سياسي فضا مطالعه موردي شهر مشهد

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

ساماندهی فضایی سکونتگاههای روستایی الحاقی در پیرامون کلانشهر مشهد با بهرهگیری از رویکرد پویش ساختاری کارکردی

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

كاربرد سيستم هاي اطلاعات جغرافيايي در مديريت بهينه سازمان هاي پهنه گستر (نمونه: دانشگاه پيام نور)

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

مديريت تامين مالي شهر و اقتصاد سياسي شهري جديد كلان شهر مشهد

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi

نقش سياستگذاريهاي دولت در تقويت پيوندهاي شهري-روستايي و تأثير آن بر تحولات ساختاري-كاركردي مساكن روستايي شهرستان مريوان

Journal article
Contributors: mostafa Taleshi
Source: Self-asserted source
mostafa Taleshi