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Stefano Olivares is a theoretician and works in quantum optics and quantum information with emphasis on the optical implementation of quantum information processing. He has received the degree in Physics and the PhD in Physics from the University of Milan, Italy. He is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Physics “Aldo Pontremoli” of the University of Milan.
The main contributions of Stefano Olivares are in the fields of: generation, characterization and application of quantum states, ii) quantum interferometry and quantum sensing; dynamics of quantum properties in the presence of decoherence; estimation of quantum states and operations; quantum communication. He has a solid expertise in general quantum optics and a specific skill in the phase-space analysis of quantum states and operations with continuous variables. He has also a long-standing experience in connecting abstract concepts to measurable quantities. In fact, though Stefano Olivares’ activity is mainly theoretical, he is an active collaborator of many experimental groups. He also collaborates with several international theoretical groups.