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Dr Claudia Bruedigam is a Research Scientist with a major interest in blood cancers. She leads the AML Therapeutics Laboratory at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, School of Translational Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, and serves as Honorary Senior Fellow at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Claudia currently supervises two research assistants, two PhD students, and two visiting MSc / MD students. Her research group investigates topics at the interface of oncology, immunology and biochemistry with a strong focus on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), a very aggressive and rapidly fatal blood cancer. Claudia received her PhD in Molecular Medicine from Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in June 2015. Her PhD studies were supported by a competitive European Marie Curie Mobility Fellowship. Since 2019, Claudia has developed her research program with the support of >$1.5M funding from sole chief investigator NHMRC grants, and a Play for a Cure Foundation donation. She has received numerous awards including prestigious ASH Abstract Achievement Awards in 2013, 2016, and 2017, and a Leukaemia Foundation New Investigator Award in 2014. Claudia has demonstrated expertise with a track record of at least 27 peer-reviewed publications including first and corresponding author publications in the top international journals Cell Stem Cell and Nature Cancer.
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