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Works (14)

Do Not Use the ICAT Hurricane Loss “Dataset”: An Opportunity for Course Correction in Climate Science

2024-12-17 | Preprint
Contributors: Roger Pielke, Jr
Source: check_circle

Scientific Integrity and U.S. “Billion Dollar Disasters”

2024-01-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Roger Pielke, Jr
Source: check_circle

Improve how science advice is provided to governments by learning from “experts in expert advice”

PLOS Biology
2023-02-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Roger Pielke
Source: check_circle

Plausible 2005–2050 emissions scenarios project between 2 °C and 3 °C of warming by 2100

Environmental Research Letters
2022-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Roger Pielke Jr; Matthew G Burgess; Justin Ritchie
Source: check_circle

Most plausible 2005-2040 emissions scenarios project less than 2.5 degrees C of warming by 2100

2021-03-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Roger Pielke, Jr; Matthew G. Burgess; Justin Ritchie
Source: check_circle

IPCC baseline scenarios have over-projected CO2 emissions and economic growth

Environmental Research Letters
2021-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Matthew G Burgess; Justin Ritchie; John Shapland; Roger Pielke, Jr
Source: check_circle

Optimistically biased economic growth forecasts and negatively skewed annual variation

2020-07-09 | Other
Contributors: Matthew G. Burgess; Ryan E. Langendorf; Tara Ippolito; Roger Pielke, Jr
Source: check_circle

Reply to: Improving normalized hurricane damages

Nature Sustainability
2020-06-08 | Journal article
Contributors: R. Pielke, Jr; D. Collins; R. Crompton; P. Klotzbach; R. Musulin; J. Weinkle
Source: check_circle

IPCC baseline scenarios have over-projected CO2 emissions and economic growth

2020-02-18 | Other
Contributors: Matthew G. Burgess; Justin Ritchie; John Shapland; Roger Pielke, Jr
Source: check_circle

From Green Revolution to Green Evolution: A Critique of the Political Myth of Averted Famine

2019-09-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Roger Pielke, Jr.; Björn-Ola Linnér
Source: check_circle

Correction to: Scientific integrity and the IAAF testosterone regulations

The International Sports Law Journal
2019-09-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Roger Pielke, Jr.; Ross Tucker; Erik Boye
Source: check_circle

Scientific integrity and the IAAF testosterone regulations

The International Sports Law Journal
2019-09-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Roger Pielke, Jr.; Ross Tucker; Erik Boye
Source: check_circle

After Peak Football: Trends in and Futures for America’s Most Popular Sport

2019-08-27 | Other
Contributors: Roger Pielke, Jr
Source: check_circle

Normalized hurricane damage in the continental United States 1900–2017

Nature Sustainability
2018-11-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Jessica Weinkle; Chris Landsea; Douglas Collins; Rade Musulin; Ryan P. Crompton; Philip J. Klotzbach; Roger Pielke, Jr
Source: check_circle