Personal information
Minukhin Valery Volodymyrovich (16.08.1956, Kharkiv) – microbiologist, M. D., professor, director of SE “I. I. Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, department head of the clinical immunology and microbiology department of the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, professor of the department of molecular biology and biotechnology of the Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Has graduated from Kharkiv Medical Institute (now Kharkiv National Medical University) “with honors” in 1979 and was recommended for research work by the Scientific Council of KhMI. Worked at this establishment in 1979-2018 at the department of microbiology, virology and immunology as: research intern (1979-1981), research assistant (1985-1992), senior lecturer (1992-1993), associate professor (1993-1997), full professor of the department (1997-2012, 2017-2018 рр.), department head (2012-2017 рр.), in 1981-1985 роках – junior research assistant of Central Scientific Research Laboratory of KhMI.
Scientific interests: etiology of purulent septic complications, mechanisms of immune prophylaxis of infectious diseases (biotechnological and microbiological substantiation of vaccine development), problems of targeted transport of antibiotics and vaccines to target cells with the help of artificial lipid vesicles – liposomes, microbiological substantiation of development of new domestic antibacterial creams for wound infection treatment.
Has obtained a Soros grant in 1996.
Has been awarded the following scientific degrees in:
• Obtained Ph. D. degree in specialty 03.00.07-microbiology. Thesis topic: «Combined application of tobramycin and immune agents in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection (experimental study)», Chelyabinsk, -1986 г.
• Obtained M. D. degree in specialty 03.00.07-microbiology. Thesis topic: «Microbiological substantiation of development of agents for prophylaxis and treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection», - Kharkiv, I. I. Mechnikov Institute for microbiology and immunology of AMS of Ukraine, 1997.
• Obtained the associate professor degree of the department of clinical immunology, virology, and immunology in 1994 рік, full professor of microbiology and immunology department - 2001 р.
Has two Master’s degrees in «Higher education Pedagogy» (KhNMU, 2015) and «Public management and administration» (Kharkiv Regional Institute Of State Administration of the National Academy of State Administration under President of Ukraine, 2020).
Participation in scientific personnel attestation. Head of the Special Council Д 64.618.01 SE «I.I. Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and immunology of the NAMS of Ukraine» (since 2019) and member of the Special Council Д 64.359.01 in the National Scientific Center of the «Institute of experimental and clinical veterinary medicine» of the National Academy of Agriculture Sciences (since 2010 until now).
Participation in the scientific personnel training. Has trained 1 doctor of sciences, 8 Ph. Ds. in the specialty 03.00.07-microbiology.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Professional activities (4)
Works (50 of 143)