Personal information


Employment (2)

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo: São Mateus, ES, BR

2022-10-01 to present | Postdoc
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco: Recife, PE, BR

2016-11-01 to present | Post Doc fellow (Oceanography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos

Education and qualifications (1)

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, RS, BR

2012-03-01 to 2016-03-01 | Doctorate (Faculdade de Biociências)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos

Works (12)

Allochthonous versus autochthonous organic matter sustaining macroconsumers in a subtropical sandy beach revealed by stable isotopes

Marine Biology Research
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

17451019 17451000

Contributors: Garcia, A.M.; Oliveira, M.C.L.M.; Odebrecht, C.; Colling, J.L.A.; Vieira, J.P.; Rodrigues, F.L.; Bastos, R.F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Coastal streams constitute alternative habitats for juveniles of an overexploited mullet species

Journal of Applied Ichthyology
2018 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

14390426 01758659

Contributors: Oliveira, M.C.L.M.; Condini, M.V.; Albuquerque, C.Q.; Vieira, J.P.; Bastos, R.F.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Are you what you eat? Effects of trophic discrimination factors on estimates of food assimilation and trophic position with a new estimation method

Ecological Indicators
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Bastos, R.F.; Corrêa, F.; Winemiller, K.O.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Hydrologic pulsing promotes spatial connectivity and food web subsidies in a subtropical coastal ecosystem

Marine Ecology Progress Series
2017 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Garcia, A.M.; Winemiller, K.O.; Hoeinghaus, D.J.; Claudino, M.C.; Bastos, R.; Correa, F.; Huckembeck, S.; Vieira, J.; Loebmann, D.; Abreu, P. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Marine intrusion and freshwater discharge as opposite forces driving fish guilds distribution along coastal plain streams

2014 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

00188158 15735117

Contributors: Bastos, R.F.; Calliari, L.J.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Transport of marine-derived nutrients to subtropical freshwater food webs by juvenile mullets: A case study in southern Brazil

Aquatic Biology
2014 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

18647790 18647782

Contributors: de Oliveira, M.C.L.M.; Bastos, R.F.; Claudino, M.C.; Assumpção, C.M.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Diet and feeding strategy of characidium rachovii (Characiformes, Crenuchidae) in coastal plain streams of southern Brazil,Dieta e estratégia alimentar de characidium rachovii (Characiformes, Crenuchidae) em riachos de planície costeira do sul do Brasil

Iheringia - Serie Zoologia
2013 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Bastos, R.F.; Miranda, S.F.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Fish species list of coastal streams in southern Brazil, with notes on austral distribution limits of marine and freshwater endangered species

Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences
2013 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Bastos, R.F.; Condini, M.V.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Feeding ecology and prey preferences of a piscivorous fish in the Lagoa do Peixe National Park, a Biosphere Reserve in Southern Brazil

Environmental Biology of Fishes
2012 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Corrêa, F.; Claudino, M.C.; Bastos, R.F.; Huckembeck, S.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

The activity patterns and microhabitat use of Pseudis minuta Günther, 1858 (anura, Hylidae) in the Lagoa do Peixe national park, a biosphere reserve of the Brazilian subtropics,Padrão de atividade e uso de micro-habitat de Pseudis minuta Günther, 1858 (anura, Hylidae) no parque nacional da Lagoa do Peixe, uma reserva da biosfera na região subtropical do Brasil

Brazilian Journal of Biology
2012 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:

15196984 16784375

Contributors: Huckembeck, S.; Claudino, M.; Correa, F.; Bastos, R.F.; Loebmann, D.; Tozetti, A.M.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Diet and food consumption of the pearl cichlid Geophagus brasiliensis (Teleostei: Cichlidae): Relationships with gender and sexual maturity

Neotropical Ichthyology
2011 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Bastos, R.F.; Condini, M.V.; Varela Jr., A.S.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier

Pisces, Gymnotiformes, Hypopomidae, Brachyhypopomus draco (Giora, Malabarba and Crampton, 2008): New species record at Lagoa do Peixe National Park, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Check List
2010 | Journal article


Part of ISBN:


Contributors: Claudino, M.C.; Corrêa, F.; Bastos, R.F.; Garcia, A.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rodrigo Ferreira Bastos via Scopus - Elsevier