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Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D. is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at George Mason University and Senior Research Scientist at the Devereux Center for Resilient Children. He started his career as a school psychologist in 1975, earned a Ph.D. in 1979 from the University of Georgia and held university positions at Northern Arizona University, The Ohio State University, and George Mason. Throughout the years he focused on applied educational and psychological research and the development of psychological and educational measurement tools. He has published 23 books, 300 scholarly papers and 51 tests and rating scales. Dr. Naglieri is the author of Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test and the Naglieri General Ability Tests: Verbal, Nonverbal and Quantitative. He is also well known for his PASS neurocognitive theory as measured with the Cognitive Assessment System-2nd Edition and the instructional handouts book Helping Children Learn-2nd Edition. He also authored the Autism Spectrum Rating Scale, Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory- Child and Adult, the Devereux Elementary Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) and the DESSA-mini. Dr. Naglieri has consistently emphasized the role tests play in accurate diagnosis, relevance to classroom intervention and especially equitable assessment based on sound theory. Recent Awards include University of Georgia Lifetime Achievement (2022) and Legend in School Psychology Award from NYASP (2022).
Dr. Naglieri has given nearly 1,000 presentations at local, state, regional, national and international conferences, keynotes, and workshops during his career. He remains an active presenter on topics such as equitable assessment in general and specifically regarding gifted students, identification of specific learning disabilities, PASS theory of intelligence, measurement of executive function and related topics. His completely free web site: contains videos of webinars he has given, research papers, instructional handouts, and much more. The content of the website reflects Dr. Naglieri’s commitment to equitable and valid assessment though high-quality tests and rating scales and a continual effort to help professionals make positive differences in the lives of the students they evaluate.