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Works (31)

Approximation Guarantees for the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II)

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Weijie Zheng; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Near-Tight Runtime Guarantees for Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Simon Wietheger; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Proven Runtime Guarantees for How the MOEA/D: Computes the Pareto Front from the Subproblem Solutions

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Martin S. Krejca; Noé Weeks
Source: check_circle

The Runtime of Randomized Local Search on the Generalized Needle Problem

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Andrew Kelley
Source: check_circle

Runtime Analysis for the NSGA-II: Proving, Quantifying, and Explaining the Inefficiency for Many Objectives

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Weijie Zheng; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

First Steps Towards a Runtime Analysis When Starting With a Good Solution

ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Denis Antipov; Maxim Buzdalov; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

A Block-Coordinate Descent EMO Algorithm: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Joshua Knowles; Aneta Neumann; Frank Neumann
Source: check_circle

A Gentle Introduction to Theory (for Non-Theoreticians)

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

A Mathematical Runtime Analysis of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III (NSGA-III)

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Simon Wietheger; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Already Moderate Population Sizes Provably Yield Strong Robustness to Noise

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Denis Antipov; Benjamin Doerr; Alexandra Ivanova
Source: check_circle

Hot off the Press: Runtime Analyses of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms in the Presence of Noise

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Matthieu Dinot; Benjamin Doerr; Ulysse Hennebelle; Sebastian Will
Source: check_circle

Hot off the Press: Runtime Analysis for the NSGA-II: Proving, Quantifying, and Explaining the Inefficiency For Many Objectives

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Weijie Zheng; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Hot off the Press: Runtime Analysis of the SMS-EMOA for Many-Objective Optimization

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Weijie Zheng; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Hot off the Press: The First Proven Performance Guarantees for the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) on a Combinatorial Optimization Problem

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sacha Cerf; Benjamin Doerr; Benjamin Hebras; Yakob Kahane; Simon Wietheger
Source: check_circle

How to Use the Metropolis Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization?

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Weijie Zheng; Mingfeng Li; Renzhong Deng; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Runtime Analysis of the (μ + 1) GA: Provable Speed-Ups from Strong Drift towards Diverse Populations

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Aymen Echarghaoui; Mohammed Jamal; Martin S. Krejca
Source: check_circle

Superior Genetic Algorithms for the Target Set Selection Problem Based on Power-Law Parameter Choices and Simple Greedy Heuristics

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Martin S. Krejca; Nguyen Vu
Source: check_circle

An Extended Jump Functions Benchmark for the Analysis of Randomized Search Heuristics

2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Henry Bambury; Antoine Bultel; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

A First Runtime Analysis of the NSGA-II on a Multimodal Problem

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Zhongdi Qu
Source: check_circle

Mathematical runtime analysis for the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II)

Artificial Intelligence
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Weijie Zheng; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Larger Offspring Populations Help the (1 + (λ, λ)) Genetic Algorithm to Overcome the Noise

2023-07-15 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alexandra Ivanova; Denis Antipov; Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Does Comma Selection Help to Cope with Local Optima?

2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

The Runtime of the Compact Genetic Algorithm on Jump Functions

2021-10-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

Sharp Bounds for Genetic Drift in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Weijie Zheng
Source: check_circle

Improved Protocols and Hardness Results for the Two-Player Cryptogenography Problem

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Marvin Kunnemann
Source: check_circle

Analyzing randomized search heuristics via stochastic domination

Theoretical Computer Science
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

The query complexity of a permutation-based variant of Mastermind

Discrete Applied Mathematics
2019-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Peyman Afshani; Manindra Agrawal; Benjamin Doerr; Carola Doerr; Kasper Green Larsen; Kurt Mehlhorn
Source: check_circle

An elementary analysis of the probability that a binomial random variable exceeds its expectation

Statistics & Probability Letters
2018-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr
Source: check_circle

The unbiased black-box complexity of partition is polynomial

Artificial Intelligence
2014-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Carola Doerr; Timo Kötzing
Source: check_circle

Deterministic Random Walks on the Integers

Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
2005-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Joshua Cooper; Benjamin Doerr; Joel Spencer; Gábor Tardos
Source: check_circle

Discrepancy of Products of Hypergraphs

Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
2005-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Benjamin Doerr; Michael Gnewuch; Nils Hebbinghaus
Source: check_circle