Personal information

Labour, Migration
Germany, United Kingdom, Türkiye


Employment (3)

Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin, DE

2023-01-01 to 2025-12-31 | DFG Researcher (School of Business & Economics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mehmet Rauf Kesici

Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin, DE

2020-01-01 to 2022-03-31 | Einstein Guest Researcher (School of Business and Economics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mehmet Rauf Kesici

Universität Duisburg-Essen: Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE

2017-01-01 to 2019-12-31 (Turkistik)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mehmet Rauf Kesici

Funding (1)

The economic outcomes of multiple and hybrid identities: The case of Turkish and Kurdish migrants and their descendants in Germany

2022-01-01 to present | Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn, DE)
GRANT_NUMBER: 510754613
Source: Self-asserted source
Mehmet Rauf Kesici via DimensionsWizard

Works (3)

Labour Market Segmentation within Ethnic Economies: The Ethnic Penalty for Invisible Kurdish Migrants in the United Kingdom

Work, Employment and Society
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Mehmet Rauf Kesici
Source: check_circle

The History of Migration from Turkey to Western Europe: A Multi-theoretical Analysis of the Routes to Germany and the United Kingdom

Border Crossing
2021-10-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Mehmet Rauf Kesici
Source: check_circle

The Visibility of an Invisible Community’s Labour Exploitation in an Ethnic Economy: A Comparative Study on Kurdish Movers in the United Kingdom

Migration Letters
2020-05-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Mehmet Rauf Kesici
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎