Personal information
CV Dr. phil. Sabine Gebhardt Fink
is professor for Contemporary Art and head of the Master Fine Arts Program at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts ( ). She is co-founder of Performance Networks like Performance Index and Networking Histories of Performance Art and editor of artist driven research in Switzerland e.g. Performance Chronicle Basel ( and an author. She had a post-doc position at Zurich University of the Arts (2004-2010); co-directed research projects like “Perform Space”; curated “Transformance” (2004) and “Camp#1234” (2017). She initiated and organized Performance events, festivals and symposia since the 1990s and lectures at art schools and conferences. Recently she was part of “bang bang” at Museum Tinguely Basel (2022) - a project on queer, activist and feminist performance art, which she initiated together with the curators.