Personal information


Employment (1)

Baylor University: Waco, TX, US

2007-08-01 to present | Professor and Chair (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Kwang Y. Lee

Education and qualifications (1)

Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI, US

1971 | Ph.D. in Systems Science (Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Kwang Y. Lee

Professional activities (1)

IEEE: New York, NY, US

2001 to present | Life Fellow
Source: Self-asserted source
Kwang Y. Lee

Works (45)

Joint Optimal Charging Scheduling for Multiple EV Battery Swapping Stations Involving the Finite-state Modeling of Charging Bay

IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
2025 | Journal article
Contributors: Rong Zeng; Jiayan Liu; Yong Li; Kwang Y. Lee; Sijia Hu; Yijia Cao
Source: check_circle

Predictor-Based Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization System With Delay Robustness and Simplified Tuning

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
2025 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhuo Chen; Yong-Sheng Hao; Zhi-Gang Su; Gang Zhao; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Compensation strategies for renewable energy curtailment in South Korea

Energy Policy
2025-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jinah Noh; Jip Kim; Young-Jin Kim; Kwang Y. Lee; Seung-Mook Beak; Jung-Wook Park
Source: check_circle

Stable Stochastic MPC for Uncertain Wind Energy Conversion System Over Whole Operating Regions

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiangjie Liu; Shifan Guo; Lele Ma; Xiaobing Kong; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Distributionally robust optimization of electric–thermal–hydrogen integrated energy system considering source–load uncertainty

2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Miaomiao Ma; Zijuan Long; Xiangjie Liu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Extended-state Kalman filter-based model predictive control and energy-saving performance analysis of a coal-fired power plant

2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Mengmeng Guo; Yongsheng Hao; Kwang Y. Lee; Li Sun
Source: check_circle

Offset-Free Stochastic MPC for Uncertain Wind Energy Conversion System

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiangjie Liu; Shifan Guo; Xiaobing Kong; Lele Ma; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Parameter adaptive stochastic model predictive control for wind–solar–hydrogen coupled power system

Renewable Energy
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu Huang; Sijun Li; Peng Zhang; Dongfeng Wang; Jianjiang Lan; Kwang Y. Lee; Qiliang Zhang
Source: check_circle

Distributed Economic Model Predictive Load Frequency Control for the Multiarea Interconnected Power System With WTs

IEEE Systems Journal
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Miaomiao Ma; Jing Cui; Xiangjie Liu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

A distributed economic model predictive control-based FPPT scheme for large-scale solar farm

Solar Energy
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Zheng Zhu; Xiaobing Kong; Lele Ma; Xiangjie Liu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Assessing PV Integration with Evolutionary Algorithms: Insights from the 2024 Competition on Evolutionary Computation in the Energy Domain

2024-07-14 | Conference paper
Contributors: Fernando Lezama; José Almeida; João Soares; Zita Vale; Wenlei Bai; Kwang Y. Lee; Wen Zhang
Source: check_circle

UAV Path Planning Based on Random Obstacle Training and Linear Soft Update of DRL in Dense Urban Environment

2024-06-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Yanfei Zhu; Yingjie Tan; Yongfa Chen; Liudan Chen; Kwang Y. Lee
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Optimal allocation of energy storage capacity for hydro-wind-solar multi-energy renewable energy system with nested multiple time scales

Journal of Cleaner Production
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Linjun Shi; Chenrui Duanmu; Feng Wu; Shengming He; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Tube-Based Distributed MPC for Load Frequency Control of Power System With High Wind Power Penetration

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiangjie Liu; Ce Wang; Xiaobing Kong; Yi Zhang; Weisheng Wang; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Dynamic Modeling and Control of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycle for Gas Turbine Waste Heat Recovery

2024-03-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Bowen Ma; Fan Zhang; Kwang Y. Lee; Hemin Hu; Tao Wang; Bing Zhang
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PV/Hydrogen DC microgrid control using distributed economic model predictive control

Renewable Energy
2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Zheng Zhu; Xiangjie Liu; Xiaobing Kong; Lele Ma; Kwang Y. Lee; Yuping Xu
Source: check_circle

A Comparative Study of Optimal PV Allocation in a Distribution Network Using Evolutionary Algorithms

2024-01-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Wenlei Bai; Wen Zhang; Richard Allmendinger; Innocent Enyekwe; Kwang Y. Lee
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Layered-Vine Copula-Based Wind Speed Prediction Using Spatial Correlation and Meteorological Influence

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu Huang; Zongshi Zhang; Xuxin Li; Jiale Xie; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Online Robust Subspace Clustering With Application to Power Grid Monitoring

IEEE Access
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Young-Hwan Lee; Seung-Jun Kim; Kwang Y. Lee; Taesik Nam
Source: check_circle

Operation State Recognition of Renewable Energy Unit Based on SSAE and Improved KNN Algorithm

IEEE Access
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Linjun Shi; Tao Dai; Wenjie Lao; Feng Wu; Keman Lin; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Tube-Based Stochastic Model Predictive Control With Application to Wind Energy Conversion System

IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiangjie Liu; Le Feng; Xiaobing Kong; Shifan Guo; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

A review on active disturbance rejection control of power generation systems: Fundamentals, tunings and practices

Control Engineering Practice
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Zhi-gang Su; Li Sun; Wenchao Xue; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

DDPG-based load frequency control for power systems with renewable energy by DFIM pumped storage hydro unit

Renewable Energy
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Linjun Shi; Wenjie Lao; Feng Wu; Kwang Y. Lee; Yang Li; Keman Lin
Source: check_circle

Event-Based Switching Iterative Learning Model Predictive Control for Batch Processes With Randomly Varying Trial Lengths

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Lele Ma; Xiangjie Liu; Furong Gao; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Annotated Survey on the Research Progress within Vehicle-to-Grid Techniques Based on CiteSpace Statistical Result

World Electric Vehicle Journal
2023-11-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Ruifeng Shi; Shuaikang Peng; Tai Chang; Kwang Y. Lee
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One-Step Ahead Control Using Online Interpolated Transfer Function for Supplementary Control of Air-Fuel Ratio in Thermal Power Plants

2023-11-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Hyuk Choi; Ju-Hong Lee; Ji-Hoon Yu; Un-Chul Moon; Mi-Jong Kim; Kwang Y. Lee
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Route Optimization of Electric Vehicles Based on Reinsertion Genetic Algorithm

IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Chunhui Li; Yanfei Zhu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Supplementary Control of Conventional Coordinated Control for 1000 MW Ultra-Supercritical Thermal Power Plant Using One-Step Ahead Control

2023-08-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Hyuk Choi; Yeongseok Choi; Un-Chul Moon; Kwang Y. Lee
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Energy scheduling of a fuel cell based residential cogeneration system using stochastic dynamic programming

Process Safety and Environmental Protection
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Li Sun; Xianlian Wang; Qingsong Hua; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Two-Layer Robust Distributed Predictive Control for Load Frequency Control of a Power System under Wind Power Fluctuation

2023-06-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Ce Wang; Xiangjie Liu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle
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Stable feedback linearization-based economic MPC scheme for thermal power plant

2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaobing Kong; Mohamed Abdelkarim Abdelbaky; Xiangjie Liu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Itô-theory-based multi-time scale dispatch approach for cascade hydropower-photovoltaic complementary system

Renewable Energy
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Zizhao Wang; Feng Wu; Yang Li; Linjun Shi; Kwang Y. Lee; Jiawei Wu
Source: check_circle

Frequency Regulation Control and Parameter Optimization of Doubly-Fed Induction Machine Pumped Storage Hydro Unit

IEEE Access
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Linjun Shi; Wenjie Lao; Feng Wu; Tao Zheng; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Optimal Configuration of Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Energy Accommodation Based on Operation Strategy of Pumped Storage Hydro

2022-08-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Linjun Shi; Fan Yang; Yang Li; Tao Zheng; Feng Wu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle
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An Efficient Iterative Learning Predictive Functional Control for Nonlinear Batch Processes

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiangjie Liu; Lele Ma; Xiaobing Kong; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Spatio-temporal wind speed prediction based on Clayton Copula function with deep learning fusion

Renewable Energy
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu Huang; Bingzhe Zhang; Huizhen Pang; Biao Wang; Kwang Y. Lee; Jiale Xie; Yupeng Jin
Source: check_circle

Large-scale wind farm control using distributed economic model predictive scheme

Renewable Energy
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaobing Kong; Lele Ma; Ce Wang; Shifan Guo; Mohamed Abdelkarim Abdelbaky; Xiangjie Liu; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

A Bidding-Based Peer-to-Peer Energy Transaction Model Considering the Green Energy Preference in Virtual Energy Community

IEEE Access
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Dae-Hyun Park; Jong-Bae Park; Kwang Y. Lee; Sung-Yong Son; Jae Hyung Roh
Source: check_circle

Adaptive Elitist Genetic Algorithm With Improved Neighbor Routing Initialization for Electric Vehicle Routing Problems

IEEE Access
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Yanfei Zhu; Kwang Y. Lee; Yonghua Wang
Source: check_circle

Multi-Objective Optimization of Steam Power System Under Demand Uncertainty

IEEE Access
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu Huang; Huizhen Pang; Peng Ding; Bingzhe Zhang; Kwang Y. Lee; Biao Wang
Source: check_circle

In-depth characteristic analysis and wide range optimal operation of fuel cell using multi-model predictive control

2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Hao Fu; Jiong Shen; Li Sun; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Iterative Learning Model Predictive Control Based on Iterative Data-Driven Modeling

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Lele Ma; Xiangjie Liu; Xiaobing Kong; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Power-carbon coordinated control of BFG-fired CCGT power plant integrated with solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture

2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiao Wu; Han Xi; Yuning Ren; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Robust Model Predictive Iterative Learning Control for Iteration-Varying-Reference Batch Processes

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiangjie Liu; Lele Ma; Xiaobing Kong; Kwang Y. Lee
Source: check_circle

Coordinated Control Strategy of PMSG and Cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM in Dispersed Wind Farm for Suppressing Unbalanced Grid Voltage

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
2021-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Yanjian Peng; Yong Li; Kwang Y. Lee; Yi Tan; Yijia Cao; Ming Wen; Yangwu Shen; Mingmin Zhang; Wenguo Li
Source: check_circle