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Elizabeth Gatewood is an Asssociate Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Health Care Nursing at UCSF School of Nursing. She is the director of the family nurse practitioner program. With the support of a HRSA grant, she has worked to revise the curriculum, incorporate simulated interactions with preceptors across professions, and implement preceptor trainings on clinical teaching and interprofessional learning.
Her current faculty practice is at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Family Health Center, the safety net for San Francisco’s underserved populations. Prior to joining the faculty she worked in a range of clinical sites for the underserved, including homeless, mentally ill, uninsured, frail elders, and LGBTQI.
She is passionate about breaking down barriers to healthcare and feels that getting healthy should not involve a visit to multiple providers. She believes that by thinking creatively, compassionately, and broadly we can provide this comprehensive care for patients within the primary care setting. She has a special interest in care of those who are homeless, identify as transgender and patients with HIV, mental health illness’, and CHF.